Chapter 13

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Orangefurpaw sat at the bottom of his hole. He was in the process of trying to dig a tunnel up to ground level, but the ground kept collapsing.

"Hello!" he yowled. "Can anyone help me?"

A purple she-cat with a green star on her forehead stuck her head into the hole. "Why, hello," she purred, but quickly stopped, wrinkling her nose. "Why are you all dirty!"

"Uh... maybe because I'm stuck in a hole and need help?" Orangefurpaw responded sarcastically.

"Hmm..." she considered. "Fine, I'll help you out. But only if you promise to be my mate after you get cleaned off."

"But, uh, aren't you already mates with like five-"

"Love knows no limits!" she interrupted dramatically. "And besides, I only have 314,159,265 kits. That's not enough."

Orangefurpaw stared at the strange she-cat for a moment. "Uh... Okay. Just help me out of this hole!" The purple she-cat threw down a rope, which Orangfurpaw used to climb out.

"Thanks!" he said, cheerfully. "What's your name, and where're you from?"

The she-cat smiled seductively. "I'm Amethystglimmer, and I'm from your most delightful dreams."

Orangefurpaw started backing away slowly. "See, that's great, but the thing is-" Suddenly, a silver tom shot through the forest, knocking Orangefurpaw over.

"Amethystglimmer, I love you with all of my heart, and I-"

"Can't you see I'm in the middle of flirting with this attractive young tom that you just knocked over? Go away, Silvertongue." Silvertongue then crawled into Orangefurpaw's hole to cry.

"Now where were we?" Amethystglimmer asked Orangefurpaw.

"Well, you see, mates are great and all, but I'm more of a forever alone type, so maybe it would be better if I just went on my way," Orangefurpaw explained nervously.

"Nope. You are in love with me now. Deal with it."

Orangefurpaw stared dreamily at Ammethystglimmer's- "WHAT?! NO. STOP. I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH AMETHYSTGLIMMER!" Orangefurpaw yelled at the narrator.

"Aw, look, he's growing up to be just like me!" Yellowstar commented.

As Amethystglimmer smiled at Orangefurpaw, he found himself drifting closer to her, their shoulders almost touching as he gazed at her perfection.

"No! Don't do this to me!" Orangefurpaw shrieked, trying to drag himself away from Amethystglimmer.

"Don't resist the call of love!" Amethystglimmer shouted, and Orangefurpaw silently screamed inside, as he was no longer in control of his body.

"Amethystglimmer, I love you so much!" Orangefurpaw yelled, internally fighting the urge to be sick at the sound of those words. He pled silently with the narrator to stop controlling him, but she was unrelenting.

"Amethystglimmer, I've never loved anything more than I love you!" he rubbed against her shoulder and felt disgust rise within him. He could not be in love with Amethystglimmer!

The narrator released Orangefurpaw from her clutches just in time for him to be sick all over Amethystglimmer's pretty purple fur.

"EW! I HATE YOU! YOU RUINED MY BEAUTIFUL FUR!" Amethystglimmer shrieked, and ran back to MoonClan sobbing.

"Oh, thank goodness, she's gone!" Orangefurpaw exclaimed.

"Hey, psst!" a random voice said.

"What do you want? And where are you?"

"I want you to get me out of this hole!" the voice replied.

"Oh, you're that Silvertongue dude. Naw, I don't think so. We all know you can just teleport back to your camp, anyways."

"Oh, true," the voice responded, sounding surprised that he could have forgotten that information.

Silvertongue teleported back to camp, and Orangefurpaw did what Orangefurpaw always does when he's alone...

HAHA, you'll never know what he does when he's alone! I subsist entirely off of reader's tears, you're welcome.
This magical chapter was written by le Amazing Annco.

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