Chapter 11

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[I'm back from my summer trip] Loststar wakes up and looks around.

Orangefurpaw walks around trying to get some wifi.

"Darn it, stupid servers are down" Orangefurpaw meowed.

[What are these servers] Loststar looks around for her clanmates.

Orangefurpaw replied, "Servers are servers, oh look it's working again."

[I don't care] Loststar becomes bored.

Orangefurpaw yowled, "Mommy! I see a Pokestop nearby, can we go?"

Yellowstar appears out of nowhere, "No, I'm trying to beat this guy in Clash Royale."

Orangefurpaw whines. "Mommy, I want to go!!!"

Yellowstar: "*BEEPS* The guy just zapped my castle with a lightning bolt."

Orangefurpaw meowed, "I'm going then.

[I'm here!] Snailpelt sees Loststar and goes up to her.

[Shhhhhhhhhhh. Orangefurpaw is going by himself to the Pokestop] Loststar watches.

[I'll watch too.] Snailpelt watches too.

Orangefurpaw opens the invisible door and walks out.

"We're going on a trip to the Pokestop nearby, little warriors, walking to the woods." Orangefurpaw sings.

Yellowstar screams, "Shut up, I'm almost about to kill this tower."

Orangefurpaw continues and lays at the Pokestop area for days. Then he had 666 pokeballs exactly and went home. Suddenly he slips and falls into a hole. He screams...he panics...he faints.

[Wonderful show] Loststar laughs

[Ikr] Snailpelt lols

[I'm getting popcorn] Loststar leaves

[Kk] Snailpelt continues to watch.

Orangefurpaw is stuck, who will save him, as the journey continues.

Whisper wrote this. I hope you liked. Also if you don't get the reference then, you are not a Pokemon fan. Bye :D

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