Chapter12:Stanford pines?!!

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It's been two hours since Stanford was stuck inside the portal,I told Stanley that he can sleep in Stanford's study room there's a couch that he can sleep in,I had Stanford's journal in my arms I couldn't sleep all I can think about is Stanford,I started to cry again, I miss him so much I keep flipping the pages of the journal to find a way to get Stanford back but it was useless I couldn't find anything.

~A few days later ~

Everyday Stanley would try and try to fix the portal,but without the two journals it's hopeless,for I just can't lay around and stay sad I help Stanley,so I try to find the other journals everyday,but that's not the problem we're running out of food and money so Stanley told me that he going to the store to buy some food.

Stanley pov

We finally ran out of food,I have no choice but to go into the town,I told (y/n) that am going into the town.

~Time skip to the town

I was in a store called 'Dusk 2 Dawn',I just grab a loaf of bread and walk to the cash register.

"just the bread then,there stranger that'll be 99 cents" said the cash register lady,I took out what I had in my pocket was a packet of sugar ,a paperclip and a peso,I just sigh in distress.

"Hey!,that's no stranger,that must be the mysterious science guy that lives in the woods with his wife!" Said a lady (it's young (lazy) Susan) then a crowd gathers around me making me uncomfortable,"uh..n-no no you're got the wrong guy" I said to them while pulling my hood tighter,"I've heard strange stories about that old shack" said a man (toby determined),"yeah!,mysterious lights and spooky experiments"said another man(officer)Daryl blubs),"Gosh,I'd pay anything to see what kind of shenanigans you get up to in there" said the cash register husband.

"oh,me too!,Do you ever give any tours?" Said the lady (again it's lazy Susan),"No,really I-" i stop for a second and think,i look at my hand and then sigh,I think I may have to plan but I think (y/n) not going to like it,"yes!,I do give tours!, fifteen bucks a person!" I said,then I see the crowd cheering and holding up there money,I just had a smile on my face.

"sir!,what did you say your name was ,you man of mystery?" Said the lady (again Susan),"oh,'s,Stanford pines"I said and I got alot of explaining to do,she gonna to kill me.

= time skip to the shack =

Your P.O.V

After Stanley left to get food,I basically did nothing I just think about how Stanford is,sometimes I wonder if he's safe,am worried.

I heard the door open ,I saw Stanley with bags of food and a giant 'crowd?!',"um...stan who are these-" I was cut off by Stanley kissing me on the forehead,"hey hon,these are the tourist that wanna see our "mystery attraction" he said,'What the heck is he talking about' i thought,then the crowd look at us,"awww,what a cute couple"said someone,"your wife is really pretty" someone said also,'What are they talking about?' I thought.

"step right up folks,uh to a world of enchantment or whatever" he said and grab one of ford's machine,"Behold,the um,nerdy science box" he said as Susan looks closer and it zapped one of her eyes"Ah! My eye!"she yelled in pain,"uh,I can assure you that is in no permanent" Stan said,I know he lied,"I paid fifteen dollars for this!?" Susan complained as the crowd began to mutter.

"un,you're lucky you weren't part of the last tour group,um..."he said and grab a skeleton and dress it up as a tourist,"they never made it out alive,heheh right?" He joke,the crowd begins to laugh,"that's funny"Susan chuckled.

Time skip after the tourist left

After the tourist left,I look at Stanley and cross my arms"explain" I said to him,"okay,so when I was out to get for I didn't had any money then some lady said that I was Stanford and I live in the cabin with my...wife I Panicked alright" he said like he knows that am getting mad,I just sigh,"so I have a plan,until we get Stanford back,someone have to pay you're mortgage somehow,so am making your house into a tourist attraction....yay" he said with a nervous face,I just sigh again it's true someone have to pay our mortgage,I mean I don't have a job,Stanford always have money to pay the mortgage,"alright Stanley we can try your plan until we get ford back so right now I'll be your fake wife until we get ford",i said to him,"so your not mad?"he said,"no am not that mad,even if you did lie to the whole town about us" i said to him.

Time skip

Since the whole 'Tourist attractions' thing happened,Stanley a.k.a my 'husband' made my house called 'the murder hut' but later he renamed it the mystery shack,Stanley was finally happy once in his life that people were actually buying what he selling,he calls himself 'mr.mystery' and since am his fake wife so he calls my 'mrs. mystery' so we live in the shack as a tourist attraction just me and my 'husband' stan(ford).

(next chapter coming soon and you know who's coming,p.s sorry if I did bad at this chapter)

Lily ~

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