Chapter eight

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Tamara's POV

I waved for Jacob to come over but he goes the opposite way. Towards the jocks and cheerleaders table, and just ashes about to sit down he looks at me.

I can't help but feel hurt. I thought that after yesterday we were something, or something might happen.

I stand up and storm off not even bothering to say anything to Arianna and Dylan.

I walk out to the practically empty corridor, everyone usually either hours outside or into the canteen, and maybe some in the library but the only people who stay in the halls are people who go to their locker or if it's raining, but it's not so its empty.

I here the canteen doors open and close again so I start to walk a bit faster, I walk past Rachel, who's giving me her signature bitchy smirk.

At this stage there's tears in my eyes and I'm trying hard not to let them fall. It's bad enough he hurt me but he cant see me cry.

I take a left and see the corridors empty so I walk up to in between two locker stands and hit the side of one.

"Tamara." I here Jacob say so I turn around wiping a tear away.

"What? Come to rub it in?" I bark back.

"I'm sor-" he starts.

"Don't." I say. "Don't fuck with my feelings 'cause your unsure of your own."

"You don't understand."

"What's there to understand. We kissed, I for some stupid reason thought it meant something to you, and you just throw it back in my face."

"I meant what I said last night."


"But I'm not ready for us to be more than friends."

"Why don't I make it even easier for you, we are not friends. We will never be friends. And we will definitely not be more than friends."

"You know what Tamara. Whatever. Have a good fucking life." Jacob shouts before storming off.

I start to cry now running my hand through my hair and walking over and back the corridor, trying my best to calm down.

English I was dreading. After a few minutes of crying in the corridor at lunch I went into the bathroom and fixed myself up. I avoided going back o lunch so when the bell rang I practically ran to my next class. History. I ran to history because of that jerk Jacob!

The bell went in history and I picked up my books, getting out of my chair and leaving the classroom along with a few other students who decided not to listen to our history teacher, Mr.Begs, assigning our homework.

English was my next class and to say I was nervous is an understatement. Hell I nearly ran out of the school building at one point! But then Jacob knows he's effected me bad. It's obvious he's effected me but he doesn't need to know that I'm practically during inside because of him.

I walk into the classroom to see that I'm like the last one there. Jacob, Arianna and Dylan are already there talking.

God I hope Mr.Reed doesn't give us a project work class.

I get to my desk and drop my books on my desk. Louder than I thought they'd drop but whatever m, not like I can change the noise that made half the class look up at me.

I hair shrug and sit back in my seat, turning around to Arianna.

"What's up girl?" Arianna asks.

"The roof, clouds?" I joke. "Am I at least close?"

"Haha hilarious." Arianna replies in a bored tone.

"Just another one of my great traits." I say.

"Hah." Jacob mutters.

"Excuse me?" I turn to Jacob. "Problem?"

"Great traits? Yeah right." He says.

"Yeah lots of them except for falling into liking with idiots. But I'm working on it and totally over it." I say.

"But of a burn." Arianna says.

"Whatever." Jacob mutters.

"Dude I'm confused." Dylan says.

"No need Dyl my best friends man, no need. You see your mate here, is a fucking twat. Didn't you know?" I say.

"What am I missing?" He says.

"I'll explain later babe." Arianna says.

"Tamara, this notes for you." A girl, Sophie, says to me causing me to turn around.

"Oh thanks." I smile at her and take the note reading it.

I smile at the note, Kyle gave me his number, he's pretty new buts always been cute.

I smile at him, because he's looking at me smiling and then I put my hand to my mouth and send him a blowy kiss. He chuckles and winks before turning around.

"What does it say?" Arianna asks.

"He gave me his number." I say putting the note into my pocket.

"unbelievable." Jacob mutters.

"What?" I say turning to him once again.

"Kyle? Seriously." He smirks.

"You? Seriously." I say.

"You can stop trying to make me jealous, it's not working." Jacobs leans over and whispers into my ear sitting back in his chair.

I then lean over and whisper into his ear. "Good thing I'm not trying to make you jealous."

"Quieten class today we are going to be working on some work sheets. I want absolute silence or you will be sent to your principles office." Mr.Reed walks in and says.

Great no way to have to talk to Jacob.

Trying to be strong was a lot harder than I thought but I think he bought it.

Update again!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Love y'all.
                      -m xx

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