Chapter twenty-three

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Jacobs POV

I was sitting in the chair beside Tamara's bed. She was holding my hand while laying down. Her eyes were slowly closing. She had been crying before hand so her eyes were red and puffy. I knew she didn't want to go to sleep but he was tired and couldn't help it.

I was playing with her hair, when I got a text message. I took my iPhone out if my pocket and read the message from Dylan,

Are you out yet? How'd it go?

It made my stomach turn. Arianna and Dylan were as excited about the Abu as we were. I knew I didn't want to get rid of the baby from the moment we told our parents, but I didn't want to rush her into thinking about it but I knew she would come around to keeping the baby.

When we found out that the baby has some sort of problem, I seen the look on Tamara's face when she found out, I knew that she had realised then that she wanted to keep the baby.

I type back a reply to Dylan.

Not to good. We are in the hospital now, she needs some tests done. Come down if you want. She asleep right now but I'm sure seeing you and Arianna would help.

Dylan answers straight away.

We are on our way. Talk soon.

They got here in no time. They have just walked in with worried looks on there faces. They pulled up two chairs and sat around Tamara. Tamara woke up a minute later.

"What are you doing here?" Tamara asks in a quiet voice.

"To see how you are holding up." Arianna says.

"I'm okay. I don't really know what's happening right now except that I need tests and there's a possibility that there's something wrong with the baby."

"I'm sorry T." Arianna says.

"I'm sure everything will be alright." Tamara says but it looks like she's trying to convince herself more than anyone else.

We all talk for awhile after that. We try to avoid the subject of the baby.

The doctor walks in about an hour later saying that visiting times are over and that If Tamara wanted one of us could stay with her. Dylan and Arianna said I should and told us that they would be back in the morning.

Once the couple left Arianna had to get some blood test done and a drip put in because she wasn't allowed to eat or drink and she needed to keep hydrated some way.

Nothing else happened for the rest of the night. Me and Tamara rarely talked, we we're both just staring off and thinking.

We both fell asleep around midnight. We knew we had to be up a bit early in the morning so that we should get some sleep.

We wake up the next morning when a nurse walks in.

"Morning." The nurse says when she walks in. "We won't have the results to your tests for awhile and the doctor you are waiting to see won't be back till early next week, so we are going to discharge you and call you back in next week."

"Okay." Tamara answers.

The nurse walks over to Tamara and starts to take out her drip.

"You will be able to eat and drink now. We advise you to get some rest for the next week. Make sure to keep up a healthy diet and lifestyle and not to worry to much." The nurse says.

"Thank you." Tamara says.

"It's alright dear." The nurse answers her giving her a smile before taking he drip out fully and throwing it into a bin. "You can leave when you are ready." She says before leaving.

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