Chapter seventeen

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A week has now passed and we are back in school again, boring right? Yup. Not much has happened in the last week. We've all had to hang with our family, well except for me. I've been bored watching old the vampire diaries episodes on Netflix.

Nothing has happened for most of the day but it's not over yet. It's now lunch and I'm walking toward the cafeteria.

Once I get there I get some lunch before I go to sit down with the rest of my friends. All three of them! Loads right? And I wouldn't ask for a better three.

"Hey." Arianna says.

"Hey." I answer. "What's up?"

"Apart from the fact that I've been sleeping like all night and still am tired. Nothing much." She answers.

"What your tired all the time too? I thought there was something wrong with me!" I say.

"It must be the weather." Arianna says.

"Or you two could be pregnant." The boys laugh. "Or its just the time of the month."

"It's the weather." Me and Arianna look at each other before saying at the same time.

"Anyway do you guys wanna do anything after school? Or now, I can't be bothered go to English or history." I say messing with the food on my plate. "Anyone want food in actually not hungry." I say as my stomach turns.

"I'm good." Arianna says and Jacob and Dylan decide to share it. "I don't want to go to class either so let's do skip. What do you want to do?"

"Let's go to an arcade." I say.

"That's good with me." Dylan says.

"Same." Jacob says. "Let's go now so before classes start."

We all decide to go in Jacobs car, the boys go in the front while me and Ari go in the back.

"I'm class at bowling, I'm going to beat you all." I say.

"As if." Arianna says. "Your about as good at bowling then cooking."

"Uh rude." I say.

"But true." Arianna says.

"I'm good at the basket ball hoop one." I say.

"Better than us?" Dylan says.

"Uh give me something to be good at." I say.

"Your good at roller blading." Arianna says.

"Actually that I am good at." I smile.

We arrive at the arcade, we all walk inside and because it's early and a school day, it's not busy, which means we get to play loads of things with out having to wait.

We go up to the desk and decide we will start with bowling. The man at the desk gives us four pairs of shoes in our sizes. We walk up to the bowling area before going to the one he told u to where our names pop up on a board.

First to play is Jacob, who gets a strike. Then is Dylan who misses one pin in his two turns, and Arianna is third she knock down them all in her two turns.
I go up and in my two goes the both go in the gutter, I turn around to see Arianna, Jacob, and Dylan giving me a look that I think says 'I'm class at bowling, really?'

"Okay, not class at the real thing but I used to beat everyone at it on wii sports!" I defend.

The game continues and I only get a few points, when the rest of them get a few strikes each. Yeah I came last. Lost badly.

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