Chapter nine

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Tamara's POV

It is now nine o'clock and I'm sitting in my bedroom of my empty house. Oh the joys. I'm bored as hell so I decide to change into some sweats.

When I'm changing a note falls out of my back pocket and I pick it up remembering Kyle giving me his number. I decide to text him and tell him that it's me.

Hey Kyle, it's Tamara.

To say that texting Kyle was something I wanted to do would be a lie. But I'm bored and I'm finished crying over Jacob. But just because I'm not crying doesn't mean I'm not effected. Because I really am. But I need to find things o occupy myself so I don't go crying again.

My phone beeps and I pick it up to read the message from Kyle.

Hey Tamara. I was just wondering would you maybe want to go out tomorrow after school?

I type a quick reply.

Yeah that's cool with me.

After about a minute he answers.

Cool it's a date. Talk then.

I decide not to answer because all I'd be saying is bye.

Kyle's a nice guy but I don't think that we would be a great couple but I still will e going on that date tomorrow. Honestly I didn't want to go on a date but hanging out with someone else might get my mind of Jacob.

I know I won't be able to sleep so I decide to watch some old episodes of pretty little liars.

I end up falling asleep watching Netflix. When I wake up in the morning to my alarm I just want to skip school.

Skipping school is easy for me because my parents are never home but I told Kyle we could go out after school and I didn't want to stand him up. Plus I didn't want Jacob thinking he had effected me that made me stay out of school.

Always about Jacob, right?

Oh shut up.

I get out of my warm bed and feel the autumn breeze. I hurry into the shower, and when I'm done brush my teeth and wash my face.

I decide to wear some denim ripped jeans with a grey knit jumper, because I realise that whatever I wear to school I wear on the date. I straighten my hair and leave it loosely down. I put in concealer and foundation and leave it at that.

I run downstairs and put in my adidas superstars, and run into the kitchen getting a breakfast bar an sitting at the table, eating it while I scroll threw my phone.

A car horn beeps outside and I get up from the table, threw my rubbish away and got my bag, before heading out of my house into Arianna's car.

"What's up sugarplum?" Arianna asks and we both laugh.

"Nothing much honeybun." I reply.

"Feeling better than yesterday?" She asks.

"Totally getting over it."

"He's an idiot."

"Nicest word I've come up with about him."

"You handled it great in English yesterday. I swear the way you acted was like, your loss." She chuckles. "Oh my gosh and when Kyle gave you his number. You should have seen Jacobs ugly face."

"Which reminds me. I've got a date tonight."

"I was wondering why you were all dressed up! You look great."

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