Chapter twenty

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After me and Jacob talked the other night, we decided that we need our parents to meet and for each other to meet each other's.

I asked my parents later that night could they take a day off work this weekend, when they asked why I told them I want them to meet my boyfriend and his mom. They agreed that they would in Saturday.

Jacob told me the next day in school that his mom agreed to meet my parents too and that she was free this Saturday too. So we all decided, well me and Jacob decided, that we would go to a local Italian restaurant, because one its Italian, and two there's witnesses for if we tell them an they try murder us.

It's now the day I was dreading, Saturday and I was currently getting ready for the meet the parents.

I put in some denim ripped jeans with a black jumper, with my adidas superstars. For makeup I put on some concealer and foundation to make me look more awake. 

I have been sleeping but I'm still tired most the time and I'm pale.

I put on some eyeshadow with eyeliner and light pink lipstick. I straighten my hair and leave it loosely down.

I go downstairs into the kitchen where my parents are.

"Morning." I greet them.

"Good morning." They both answer me.

"Thank you for taking the day off work." I say.

"Anything for our baby girl." My mother says. "Now here's some breakfast." She says handing me a plate with some pancakes in on them.

"Thank you mom." I say.

Nothing really happened the rest of the morning, and we are now on our way to meet Jacob and his mom.

When we arrive we pull into the busy carpark and head inside. I see Jacob over at a table with who must be his mom. She has blonde hair and is petite. She seems pretty young to be a parent of a seventeen year old.

Jacob notices me a second later and waves us over. I lead my parents bet to the table where Jacob and his mother are now standing.

"Hello dear, you must be Tamara." Jacobs mom walks up to me. "I'm his mother, Emma."

"Nice to meet you." I say.

"Likewise." She answers.

"These are my parents," I say motioning to my parents who are standing with Jacob. "Sarah and John."

"I'll go talk to them now." She smiles at me, before walking over to them.

Jacob them looks over at me edits walking over, "hey how'd it go?" He asks.

"Pretty well I think." I say. "What happened with mine?"

"I think they like me." He says.

"Let's sit," I say. "I'd literally sleep right now."

"Few hours and this will be finished with." We sit down beside each other at the table.

"Hopefully with a happy ending." I say.

A moment later my parents and Emma sit down on front of me and Jacob. For the first few minutes it's quiet awkward, but after the waiter comes and we order our food the tension is gone.

"So how long have you two been going out?" My mother asks me and Jacob.

"Almost three months." I say. Ok so maybe I exaggerated but we kind of have been going out that long, but if we tell them about me being pregnant tonight I think it'll be better if they think we've been going out a bit longer than we have.

"Yeah." Jacob says.

"That's a pretty long time for teenagers." My dad says.

"What's your future plans?" Emma asks and my mother nods very interested in our answer.

Just as me and Jacob share glances and I open my mouth the waiter arrives with our food, "our food is here." I say.

The waiter gives us out our foods and we begin to eat, lately I've been eating again. I've been eating more than usual. But don't they say something 'I'm eating or two now'.

I eat up everything pretty quickly compared to everyone else, so I just sit around.

Once everyone is finally finished our parents chat a bit more.

Jacob leans over and whispers into my ear, "I think we should tell them, what do you think?"

I just nod in response.

"We have something to tell you." Jacob says getting our parents attention.

They all look around at us.

"Your not married or something are you?" My father jokes.

"Dad." I say and I think our parents finally realise this is serious.

"We are expecting a baby." I say quickly. "I'm pregnant."

We wait for there reaction, hiking each other hand under the table. Jacob squeezes my hand to let me know that he is there.

I look up at the three adults to see that they look completely shocked.

"Ok, that's a bit of a shock." Emma says. "But I'm not angry, you are teenagers and it is expected, I guess. So I'm happy for you and will be there for you."

"I agree with Emma," my mother says. "After listening to her I agree."

"And because I don't want to be known as the bad guy I guess I'll be there for you both too."

"Thank you." Me and Jacob say and get up and hug the adults.

Maybe this won't be to bad after all..

Hope you liked this chapter!

Thoughts and opinions? X

Love y'all
-m xx

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