Chapter twenty-one

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It's been a few weeks since I met Jacobs mom, Emma and Jacob met my parents. Nothing really happened after that. I had met Emma and Jacob a few times after that too and me and Emma started to look through some of Jacobs baby photos one time and ever since we have been getting along better than we had before, another time we talked about what we were planning to do with the baby and Emma told us to take time to think.

My parents seem to like Jacob as they asked me to ask him I he wanted to come of over for dinner sometime, and since he's been over a few times. It was awkward at the start with my parents knowing me being pregnant, they said they were a bit disappointed in me but that they did expect something like this to happen at some stage. They are very supportive now and I'm really happy about that, I thought they would react a lot worse than they did.

My father and Jacob have some sort of bond, they sometimes watch football games together. I'm happy for them because of Jacobs father leaving, I think that this is good for him.

Today me and Jacob are going out on a date, we haven't spent much time together lately, one on one. There's always someone there, like our parents or Dylan and Arianna.

Dylan and Ari have also been very supportive, they've been there for both me and Jacob. They both want to make sure we are ok, me, Jacob and the baby, so usually they spend a lot of time with us.

When it's just me and Jacob, I always seem to be tired or something, or else we decide we should talk about the baby, and our future. So far no major decisions have been made. I've been getting a bit bigger, but it's not very noticeable unless I'm just in a crop top or tank top. No one in school knows yet either.

So we have decide to go on an actual date like nothing else is happening, just the two of us and I'm very excited.

I decide to wear denim jeans with a white t-shirt, with denim shirt over it. I leave my hair down after straightening it, I put on some concealer and foundation with an eyeliner wing and some mascara.

I hear a knock on the door and walk over to it and answer it to Jacob.

"Hey princess." He says walking and and kissing me on the cheek. "Ready for our date?"

"Yup I'm ready." I say. "Where are we going?" I ask as we walk out of the house and I lock the door.

"To the car." He answers sarcastically.

"Haha funny but not what I meant." I say starting to walk towards him and rolling my eyes. "You know what I mean, where?"

"Town." He answers. "Don't ask any more questions princess, you'll see when we get there."

"Your annoying." I say as I sit into the passenger seat of his car.

"Annoyingly sexy?" He wiggles his eyebrows and chuckles, before driving down the road.

"Nope. Just annoying."

After a few minutes drive into town, Jacob parks up the car and gets out before walking over and opening the passenger door for me to get out.

"Thank you." I say as I get out and Jacob wraps his arm around my waist.

"Your welcome princess." He says and kisses my forehead. "Hungry?"


"Good we are going to get some food."

We walk down the street a bit more until we get to a French cuisine restaurant. We go inside and Jacob tells the waiter that we need a table for two. She leads us to a table and we sit down.

After a few minutes of looking at the menu Jacob asks me, "what are you getting?"

"Boeuf bourguignon, you?"


"What can I get you guys?" A waitress walks up cheerfully.

"Two boeuf bourguignons please." Jacob says.

"Coming right up. Any drinks?" She answers.

"Water please." I say and she nods.

"Same." Jacob says.

"Okay, the water will be her in a moment and the food will be here soon." She says before walking away.

"You don't have to get water you know." I say to Jacob.

"I know but I am anyway." He say.

The waitress walks back with a jug of water a pours them into our two wine glasses.

"Thank you." I say and she smiles before walking away.

Jacob picks up his glass and raise it a bit. "Look it's like white wine. Better even."

I laugh and drink a bit of it.

After awhile our food is served and we eat.

When the plates are taken away after we eat, the waitress asks if we want some dessert which we both agree on two soufflés.

After we eat our dessert and pay we make our way back towards the car. "Thank you, I had a really good time."

"Don't worry about it, I did too."

"I felt normal again." I say. "Like we don't have anything else going on."

"Yeah it did." Jacob turns me around so I'm facing him and leans our foreheads against each other. "I think we need to start think about things, maybe we should go to a doctors to make sure everything is ok."

"Yeah we should." I say and lean up and kiss him, Jacob wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck.

I can't help but smile into the kiss because it feels like old times when we didn't have things to think about and doctors appointments to book.

I can't help but think I just don't want this moment to end.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

What do you think will happen next? Thoughts and opinions?

Love y'all

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