Chapter fifteen

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The last week has gone by pretty quick. Nothing really happened while we stayed at the cabin, we went to see Shakespeare play, did our projects as best we could, other than that we messed around the cabin but nothing important happened. Oh and how could I forget Jacob officially asked me to be his girlfriend.

It's now Halloween day and me and Ari have already been out shopping for our costumes, and Jacobs and Dylan's, our boyfriends. We aren't really dressed up as anything but we are just wearing face paint and Halloween type clothes.

We are all going to a Halloween party in one of the guys teammates house. We are all meeting at my house since there's no one home. Like always. Arianna is already here and Dylan and Jacob should be here soon.

When the guys eventually turn up we get ready and me and Arianna start to paint our faces an once we are finished start doing Jacobs and Dylan's.

We get in the car after getting our stuff, Jacob said he would drive there and that he would drive back too. Which means he can't drink. I don't plan on drinking much especially since Jacob isn't. I don't think Ari and Dylan will ease on the drinking. Whenever they have an excuse they'll get drunk. There not really bad they just like to let loose.

When we arrive and go into the house we all go to the kitchen to get drinks. Jacob has a Coke, I have a Coke with vodka, and Dylan and Arianna have some hits before moving on to some other drinks.

We all go out to the living room which has been transformed into a dance floor. Dylan and Ari start dancing together and kind of move away from me and Jacob. Me and Jacob start to dance too.

After awhile we realise that they have a photo booth so me and Jacob decide to go get our photo taken there. When it prints we laugh at the photo.

"We look crazy!" Jacob says.

"Yeah we so do." I say.

About an hour into the party Arianna run up to me. "Tamara I haven't seen you in like forever! Have you seen Dylan? He wants to have it in the bathroom!"

"Uh no I haven't Ari." I answer her.

"I'll go look in the bathroom!" She says before running off.

A moment later Dylan walks up to me. "Have you seen Arianna?"

"Bathroom." I answer.

"Gonna fuck in a bathroom." He says before running in the direction Arianna did.

Jacob then walls up to me. "Hey what was that about?"

"Um to be honest I'm not bro sure. Something about fucking in the bathroom." I reply.

"There well drunk by now."

"Yup they really are."

"Here lets go sit down." Jacob says before leading me to an empty couch where we sit down and he wraps his arm around me. "Have you drank much?"

"Little tipsy but I'll remember it in the morning." I say.

"Oh look at you two freaks together." Rachel walks up to us.

"Rachel in the politest way possible fuck of." Jacob says.

"No I'm good babe." She says to Jacob. "Have you told her about me and you yet."

"That's the last Rachel." He answers.


"But what about most recently?" She says.

"Don't worry about it Rachel I'm good not knowing, anyway my boyfriend seems to want you to leave, so if you wouldn't mind." I say standing up.

"Boyfriend?" She says.

"That's what I said." I say.

"Bitch!" She shouts before getting a cup of alcohol of someone and throwing it at me.

"Oh you did not just do that!" I shout back before taking a drink out of someone's hand and tipping it in top of her head.

"Uhh!" She screams before throwing more drinks towards me as I do the same.

In the end Jacob and some other dude had to pull us away from tackling each other.

"Time to get you home, princess." Jacob says as he walks me outside.

"She's such a bitch! You should have let me fight her I so would have won!" I say.

"No doubt in that." He chuckles lightly.

We get into the car and Jacob starts to drive off but comes to an abrupt stop when I say. "Wait!"

"What's up?" He asks.

"What about Arianna and Dylan?" I ask.

"I doubt they'll be coming home tonight anyway but I'll text him to tell him what's going on once we get you home."


When we arrive back at my house, Jacob brings me inside and I do up to my room and change.

"Jacob you can use the bathroom to get your face paint off!" I shout out to him before closing my bedroom door so I can change into my nightshirt and top.

"Ok." I hear him shout back before I here a door open and close.

Once I'm changed I open my bedroom door just so he knows that I'm finished changing.

I took off my face paint already even though half of it was gone because of Rachel that notch throwing water at me.

I sent Arianna a quick message before placing it on my nightstand and getting into bed.

As in getting in Jacob walks in with his face paint off.

"Do you need me or.." He says trailing off at the end of the sentence.

"Can you stay tonight? I doubt my parents will be back an they won't even check in here I they do come back." I ask.

"Sure." He says before taking his top of exploding his bare chest and getting into bed beside me.

I cuddle up to him and he wraps his arm around me.

"Night girlfriend." He says.

"Night boyfriend." I answer before we both drift off to sleep.

Sorry if this chapter is short but i think it's okay. I'm not to happy with it but I guess it's an update!

I'll update soon promise.

Love y'all
-m xx

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