Chapter 3 - 'Harry Styles Is Sexy As Hell'

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"Guess what," I said on the phone to Jess as I walked out of the building and to my car.

"They hated you," she said promptly.

"What? No. They loved me. Well, I think they liked me. No, anyways, it just so happens that I'm going to be working with famous people," I said excitedly.

"What? Oh my god! Who?" she squealed.

"5 Seconds of Summer." I held my breath, waiting for the bomb to drop.

"You're messing with me," she said immediately.

"I'm not." I got into the car and put Jess on speaker so I could continue talking to her as I drove.

"Holy shit! 5 Seconds of Summer? Did you meet them just now?"

"I did. I mean, we exchanged like two words, but I was sitting opposite them, and as they were going, Luke Hemmings said to me, 'See you later, Noelle'," I claimed, attempting to do an Australian accent.

"Luke Hemmings. Luke Hemmings spoke to you. This is so unfair," she complained.

I just grinned. "Apparently I'm going to be seeing a lot of them. Do you know how surreal this is?"

"I can imagine. Oh my god, maybe you can become really good friends with them and then I can meet them."

"You know, now I just feel like you're using me," I said in mock offence.

"Of course I'm using you if it means I get to meet 5 Seconds of Summer," Jess declared. "So what were they like in person? Were they just as hot?"

"Hotter. Plus Luke is really tall. Like, really tall, and he has really broad shoulders as well."

"Did you see his lip ring?"

"Uh, I wasn't really looking at his lips, but now that you've said that, I will," I said. "I was sort of too busy taking in the fact that I was maybe two meters away from him."

"What color is Michael's hair at the moment?" Jess asked quickly.

"Uh... purple."

"So cute. Were their accents super sexy?"

"Of course. I mean, I didn't hear them say much but from what I heard..." I sighed dreamily.

There was a muffled sound of other voices, and Jess said, "I have to go, but I'll see you when you get back. Drive safe."

"Bye." I hung up and turned on the radio, singing along as I drove back to campus.

~ ~ ~

Kate texted me to tell me I would start on Monday, so for the rest of the week I relaxed a little more. When I told George about who I was working with, I swear to god he was more excited than Jess.

On Friday night we went to a party one of the upperclassmen that Tristan was friends with threw, and we celebrated. Even Nathan was happy for me, and everyone got pissed. The morning after I had a hell of a hangover but it was worth it.

Monday came around quickly, and all through my morning lecture I was tapping my pencil against my leg repeatedly, feeling the nerves set in again. Once it ended I rushed back to my dorm and started looking for something to wear. I was on the verge of having a breakdown merely because I thought nothing I had was good enough when George marched into my room, bumped me out the way with his hip and pulled out a black pencil skirt, a red peplum top and black heels. He then threw my trusty black bag at me. I didn't even question his choices. Him and Jess were much better at picking out outfits than I was. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as I rushed out of my dorm and began my journey to Capitol Records.

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