Chapter 13 - 'I Suggest Your Ass Becomes Acquainted With My Foot'

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"Noelle. Noh. Wake up." There was a tap on my shoulder and I forced my eyes open. Some of the drunken haze was gone. I looked over at Luke to see him looking back at me with a smile. "We're here."

The corners of my mouth turned down. I didn't really want to be back here. I would rather just stay in the car with Luke. "Do I have to go?"

"Um, I guess not. But you probably should."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. Then I looked back at Luke, not moving. He was biting his lip and looking out the front with a smirk, like he knew I was looking at him. He really was beautiful.

"Hey Luke?"

He glanced at me. "Yeah?"

I didn't really know what I was going to say. I just wanted to talk to him. I guessed I was still at least a bit drunk because I then said, "You're really... adorable."

Luke laughed quietly. "You're full of compliments tonight."

"I'm serious."

The smile faded slightly off his face, and I didn't know why until I realized I'd leaned in so we were now much closer. His blue eyes flickered down to my lips and then back to my eyes.

"Noelle," he said slowly. "If you kiss me you're going to regret it in the morning."

"I don't think so," I murmured, watching his lips move as he spoke.

Luke groaned quietly. "Yes, you will. God, I can't believe I'm saying this." Even as he was talking he ran his thumb lightly over my bottom lip. "No matter how annoying Norman is, you don't want to cheat on him."

With each second the fog was clearing. Especially after the reminder about Nathan. "Well, considering he cheated on me, I don't think it would matter that much."

"You– wait, what?" Luke said in surprise.

"He cheated on me," I repeated. "So, naturally, I broke up with him." I was definitely sobering up. "He's been cheating on me for a month."

Luke didn't say anything. For a while he just looked out the front of the car, jaw clenched. Then he abruptly opened the door and got out. I did the same. But he was striding off quickly, into the university and I struggled to catch up with him.

"Luke, what are you–"

"I'm going to find Norman," he said tightly, not sparing a glance at me.

"That's a really stupid idea," I informed him. When he didn't reply, I moved so that I was standing in front of him. He tried to sidestep me, but I grabbed both his arms. He and I both knew he was stronger than me but he stopped anyway. "Firstly, you don't even know where you're going. Secondly, do you forget you're famous? People are going to be wandering around and they're going to see you. Thirdly, Norman – Nathan – is not your problem."

"Firstly, I'll just follow the stench of dick and I'm sure I'll find him," Luke said without a smile. "Secondly, I don't care. Thirdly, he cheated on you and therefore has become my problem."

"No, he hasn't. Just stop, Luke. Think about this. It's a stupid idea."

Luke finally met my gaze and smirked. "You've sobered up. Drunk you would definitely let me do this."

"Luke, I'm serious."

"So am I."

I pressed my lips together as I looked at him. He wasn't going to give up.


Luke and I froze at the voice, and he looked over my shoulder. His eyes hardened. I turned around and saw Nathan standing there. I swallowed. He took a deep breath and met my eyes before saying, "Noelle, I know I'm probably the last person you want to see but Jess told me you'd gone into LA with your fake ID," he paused, glancing over at Luke then continued. "I got worried so I was about to come and find you."

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