Imagine #9- I Will Have You

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P.S. - (Y/F/N) = Your First Name.
(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name.

Your POV-

"Would you please just leave me alone?" I asked, crossing my arms and glaring at Sebastian as he yet again tried to grab my butt.

"Sorry princess I can't do that," he said smirking and grabbing my arms so we were close together.

"Stop calling me princess! And I'm not in to guys who are like you. I happen to like nice men," I said tearing my arms from his grasp. Sebastian leaned in to my ear.

"I am a nice man. In bed," he said laughing.

"You're disgusting! You perv!" I shouted backing up away from him.

"You know you love it. Just give in to it," he shouted after me.

"Go away Sebastian!" I yelled down the hall to him not even bothering to turn around.

"I will have you (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)! You'll see!"

"Over my dead body!"

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

"Stop!" I whispered to Sebastian as the man talking went on. I was at a work meeting and I was trying to pay attention because everybody from the company was there but Sebastian wouldn't stop messing with me. At least we were sitting in the back. My eyes widened when he put his hand on my thigh and started rubbing it. I took a breath in and my stomach dropped. Why does he have to be so sexy?

"Do I bother you (Y/F/N)?" He whispered in my ear making me shiver. "Your shaking," he pointed out with amusement clear in his voice.

"No I'm not I'm listening," I said pointedly. He smirked and placed a kiss on my jawline. I froze. Why is he so perfect?

"Would you please-" I was cut off by him gently placing his lips on mine. To be honest I loved the kiss it was amazing but I couldn't do this. Not with Sebastian. I quickly got up and ran out of the room. I ran and ran until I was out of the building and I sat down on a bench a few feet away. I saw Sebastian walk out of the door of the building and start looking for me. I quickly got up and ran. I have to get away from him he can't see me. He can't know that he got to me. He must have seen me start running away from him because I could hear him shouting my name and the sound of his footsteps. He caught up to me in no time and grabbed my waist, spinning me around to face him.

"What the hell is your problem? I told you to leave me the fuck alone," I shouted angrily.

"Why are you so scared of me? I know you want me. I could feel it. That kiss back there, you liked it and that scared you so you ran away. Why are you so scared to love me?" Sebastian said pulling me closer by my waist. My face grew red because he had noticed that he had broken me down.

"I don't love you! I never will," I said yelling as loud as I could.

"Take a chance (Y/F/N), let me love you. Love me," he said brushing his lips against mine. He was teasing me.

"Stop..." I said weakly trailing off.

"Stop what? Making you feel good? Just say you love me," he whispered.

" I- I..." I said quietly.

"Say. It." He said looking me straight in the eyes.

"I fucking love you Sebastian Stan," I yelled. "I fucking love you!" I crashed my lips on to his and wrapped my arms around his neck. I could feel him smile in to the kiss.

"I told you I would have you. I love you (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)."

Cute Sebastian Stan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now