Imagine #21- What Are You Doing Here?

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(Y/N) laid in bed for hours trying to delay the inevitable. She had a meeting with Steve Rogers in a few hours about possibly being his secretary and she was dreading having to get up and face Bucky. She felt like such a stupid girl for developing feelings for her best friend. Although, however much she wanted to, she could no longer pretend like she wouldn't have to see him. She dragged herself out of bed and went to look in the mirror.

Should I wear my hair down or up? Down... no up...

"What am I doing!?" (Y/N) whispered to herself, frustratingly. She felt embarrassed for caring how she looked around Bucky and wished she could just dissolve these pesky feelings so she could be normal around her best friend. This still didn't stop her from putting on a little extra lipgloss and spending a little extra time on her hair. She jumped when her roommate walked into the room.

"Who are you getting dressed up for?" She said smugly, adding an over the top wink. (Y/N) immediately shoved her lipgloss back into the drawer and scooped up her purse.

"Nobody!! I was just- just- UGH!" (Y/N) huffed, stomping out of her room and making her way out of the apartment. In her haste to escape her roommate's knowing glances, (Y/N) wasn't looking where she was going and crashed directly into someone when she exited her apartment building, sending her bag and all of its contents flying onto the pavement.

"Wow!" Someone laughed, and gripped her arms to keep her from slipping. (Y/N) looked up and her stomach lurched when she saw who it was.

"Buck! What are you um... why are you here?" (Y/N) stuttered, hurriedly standing upright and taking a step back from him.

"I just figured we could walk together. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," Bucky said awkwardly.

"Oh-well- ya know- busy," (Y/N) mumbled bending down to pick up her things. She awkwardly shoved everything into a teetering pile in her arms and stood upright again, her (h/c) hair flying in every direction with the wind. "We shouldn't walk together I-um- I'm very sick," (Y/N) said, hurriedly walking away from a very confused Bucky. She shoved all of of her books and things back into her purse with shaking hands and got pretty far away from her apartment when Bucky caught up with her, looking concerned. (Y/N) jumped when Bucky suddenly appeared next to her and she started to walk a little faster.

"(Y/N)? Is everything alright?" Bucky asked, talking to (Y/N) like she was a scared horse.

"Good! Great! Everything's great!" (Y/N) said a little too forcefully, trying not to notice how good he looked.

"Did I do something wrong?" Bucky asked, turning around so he was walking backwards and he was facing (Y/N). He had no trouble keeping up with her because of his long legs. (Y/N) mentally cursed her short legs and attempted to take longer strides.

"No Buck you didn't do anything I'm just in a hurry," (Y/N) said, feeling panicked.

"To get to the meeting? We still have an hour before it even starts. And you said you were sick!... (Y/N) what's going on!?" Bucky exclaimed, grabbing her arm so she had to stop and face him. (Y/N)'s heart started beating so forcibly at the sudden contact that for a moment she was terrified he could hear it.

"Nothing Buck! I just need to be alone right now!" (Y/N) yelled, feeling trapped. As soon as she snapped at him, she felt horrible. His face fell and he looked like she might have slapped him.

Oh God... I'm doing this all wrong! I wanted to avoid him so that I wouldn't tell him how I felt and our friendship wouldn't be ruined but I think I ruined it anyways...

"No wait Bucky I'm sorry," (Y/N) said, immediately. "I just... there's something that I can't..."

"You obviously want to tell me something. What is it?" Bucky said, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. (Y/N) took a deep breath. She had to tell him. Avoiding him would just make matters worse.

"Bucky... I-I think I might have started to... maybe develop fee-" (Y/N) began to say but was cut off by a loud bang and a shrill scream coming from the other side of the sidewalk. (Y/N)'s eyes widened when she saw what was happening and Bucky immediately grabbed her arm and shoved her behind him.

"Don't move," He whispered. 

Ahhh!! A cliff hanger!! Like and comment for a part two! :)

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