Imagine #15- I Think We Had Sex

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(Y/N) woke up to Sebastian's arms wrapped around her and her hair was very messed up.

"Seb? Seb!?" (Y/N) screamed and bolted upright in bed. Sebastian sat up quickly.

"What!? What!? I'm here what's wrong?" He said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"I think... I think we... had sex," (Y/N) said slowly.

"Wha.. Oh," Sebastian smirked remembering what happened last night.

"This is wrong this is so wrong! We're not even together!" (Y/N) said untangling herself from Sebastian's hold on her, getting up out of bed and starting to get dressed.

"So? It felt nice," Sebastian laughed.

"Nooo! Shut up!!!" (Y/N) said, throwing a shirt on, opening the door, and making a break for it.

"Wait (Y/N) you-" but (Y/N) didn't get to hear the rest of Sebastian's sentence because she was already out the door. She accidentally ran right into Chris and Anthony.

"Wow! What's wrong?" Chris asked seeing (Y/N)'s stressed face.

"Nothing I'm just having an interesting morning," (Y/N) said uncomfortably.

"Wait are you... Are you wearing Sebastian's shirt?" Anthony asked, trying to hold back a laugh. (Y/N)'s face turned bright red and as if on cue Sebastian ran out of (Y/N)'s room, shirtless and still trying to button his pants.

"I was gonna say you accidentally put on my shirt instead of yours but you ran out before I could tell you...." Sebastian said, scratching the back of his neck.

"I hate all of you!!!!" (Y/N) screamed and ran away from the embarrassing situation.

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