chapter 8

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Felony's P.O.V

"Where are we?"Felix asked me, as he looked around the abandoned lab. 

"I knew it was too easy..... their has to be a catch.... they lured us here....." Jake told Felix, as he knocked over an empty beaker. 

"Right you are Jake. Such a smart dog you are." A voice boomed around the room. I scanned the room for someone. All I found was a loud speaker. 

"Where are you?!? Who is this?" Jake barked, in an out rage. "Show your self!!!!"

The voice giggled, then started talking. "You will find out soon enough."

I glanced over at Simone, who was banging on a glass window that led to another room. 

Jake kept on screaming, but stopped as footsteps sounded through the glass. There stood a  young man, with his arms around Fionna. Fionna's mouth was tied by a hankercheif. "Mhm!!!"

The man wore a long cloak, and had short, white hair, but was still youthful. He had a  short nose, and a bluish tint skin. He wore a blue shirt and jeans. He would actually be cute, if he wasn't holding my sister hostiage. 

"Let Fionna go!" I screamed at him, cutting a table in half with my sword I grabbed out of my book bag.  He just stood there and smirked.  "What do you want with her?"

"I don't want her. I just needed her to lure you here. I told Bonnie to do everything that I told her, and if she didn't, I would kill Fionna. I told her to put a traking device in her tiara. I told her to get captured. I told her to be limp when I took her. I did everything. I watched you grow up. Me, Me, Me!!!!"  The mysterious man told me. 

"Why do you want us here?!?" Crunch demanded the man to tell him. "And, who in the glob are you?" 

"I know you guys are the strongest heroes around. With Finn's expertiece with swords, with Flame Princess's fire, with Lemon Grab's knock out music, Marceline's super speed, and all I needed was Bonnibel's brain. Now I have that all. And you can't stop me." He told us all, as he snapped hi fingers and the glass turned into a portla, he threw Fionna in it. Fionna appeared next to me. 

I untied her mouth, and she let out a deep breath. "Felony! Felix!"

"You still haven't answered us yet! Who are you?!?" Lemon Pie yelled over.

"Ice King's son." He replied back.

Felix's P.O.V

I was speechless. Ice King had a son???

"Follow me!" He screamed at us, as he snapped his fingers, again, and made handcuffs appear on our hands. Next, he chained us together. Then made the portal appear again, and he came threw and pushed us, one by one in it. We were soon on the other side of the glass.

Ice King's son led us down a dark hallway, with paint chipped i on the walls. Rats scurried around our feet. Then, he opened a metal door and pushed us all in.

On the floor already, sat a man wearing a hat indentical to Fionna's but was a bear, not a bunny. He wore a ripped light blue shirt with dak blue pants, and around his back laid a green bookbag. Next to him sat  a lady, who wore a torn red dress. Fire sparked from her skin, she had the same hair as Felony and me.  Next to the lady, sat Marceline, who was strumming her guitar, in low key.

Sitting across from the man, sat a yellow lemon person, who laid his head on QB, who laid sleeply on the floor, with her bottom the dress starting to rip. Her tiara sat sideways on the top of her head.  Then, all the way in the corner, sat an older version of the kidnapper, but had a long beard, and slightly less attractive, he must of been the ice king. They all moaned, and looked out of it.

"Finn!!! You are alive!!!" Jake said, as he ran over, and jumped on the man's lap. Finn looked down at Jake, and smiled.

"Jake! I knew you would come back for me! It's so nice to see you!!!" Finn said, then he looked over at Fionna, Felony, and me. "Could it be? Is that Felix, Felony and baby Fionna? It couldn't be, could it?"

The lady next to him, got up and hugged all three of us. "My babies! You're okay! Your father and I have been so worried!" She told us. 

"Mom! Dad!" All three of us chanted, and hugged them back.

Poppa looked at me. "Felix! My boy! I suppose you are a great fighter. Ice King's son, has a looking glass, which allowed us to watch over you, and when you said that you wanted to come and save us, we were worried, but proud." 

I smiled back at him. "Thank you poppa, but this is only the begining. We are all trapped in here."

"Not for long, if we develope a plan." NPTR said, as he pulled on my pant leg. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hey guys! Thank you for 41 reads! You guys rock!  I am so happy that I am writing again! Sorry 4 the long gap, though, but hey i am writing again!

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