Chapter 9

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Finn's P.O.V

            I truthfully didn't know if I would ever see my children again, when Blake said he was going out to get Fionna, I really was scared. But now that I see them, i am relieved that they are okay-for now.Felix, my boy, he appearently is shy and blushes over girls, just like me when I was his age. Also Fionna got bigger, and looks just like me, but only has her mom's personality. Then there is Felony, just as pretty as her mommy and has my personality, minus the blushing problem. It's so nice to see them all again.

             "So what's your plan?" Felix asked NPTR, as he picked up the robot and took him off his pant leg.

              Before NPTR could answer, Mayleen went by the wide glass window, and began to talk. "haha. Dum robot. Try if you wish, but there is no way out. The wall are steel and the windows are made out of a certain glass that can't be broken. See?" She asked, as she flung a chair against the glass and nothing happened. "Now for the newebies, Blake is going to explain the rules, and how we do things around here. And most important our names, and our lives, so you can blame the lady or sir that is why you're in here." She nunged Blake. 

               "Ok, filthy peasents. I am the first born son of the stupid Ice King. When i was just a baby-" He got caught off by Fionna who started yelling at him.

                "What do you mean by 'First Son'  do you mean their is another ugly creep like you lurking around? O, goodie goodie.' She asked him, as he grew angry with her. I new what that meant, and I couldn't bare to watch it happen. he does horrible things to us when we disobey him, or anger him. 

                 "Why don't you show her what we do with people that don't obey us. Or anger us, huh Blake? Show her." Mayleen told Blake, as he nodded his head. "I'll get her." 

                    We could hear footsteps coming from down the hall. then the door flew open. Mayleen walked in and grabbed Fionna.  Before i could stop her, Feloy leaned forward into Mayleen and used her sword and cut her arm. Simone joined in and tryed to bite her. Poor Simone got flung bak in a flash of light. I got out my stake out of my bookbag and went into stap her, and she smacked me back. She hurried out with Felony and Fionna, then soon all three of them were next to Blake.

                       " Let's do the youngest first."  Blake told Mayleen, as he tied her up in a chair. She moved back and forth, trying to get out, and use her powers. But she was tied up with heat resistanent ropes. "Let the magic begin." 

                               He slapped her face and he froze her in the chair. She looked terrile. The ice was hurting her. He looked over at IceKing, who was moaning, and snapped hi fingers. IceKing was transported right next to him. Blake took the crown off his head, and put it on his head. He pointed toFionna, and the ice melted, she sat there shivering, and he moved her back into the room with his transporting abilities. He gave his father his crown back, and sent Ice King back. Then he looked over at Felony, and wispered something in Mayleen's ear. She looked discouraged.

                                "No not that." She told him, as he smirked and sat in a chair next to Felony. He looked at her, as he looked eye to eye with her. "No! Blake! That's just wrong! I am the only girl that loves  you! You can't make her! You have me!"

                                 Blake got up, and snapped his fingers, and transported Felony back. We all rushed over to her. "Are you ok, Felony? What did he do to you?"

                                       "Who? Oh, you mean how that precious boy over there stole my heart? He's just so cute. Awwwwwww." Felony told us all as, she leaned up against the glass. "Marry me?!?"

                                          "I shall never date you, you filthy girl!" He told Felony,as she started crying. We all talked to her, trying to snap her back to reality, and tell her she had been given a love potion stare. She completely ignored us all.

Marceline's P.O.V

                            " Silence!!!!" Blake commanded as his voice echoed around the room. I want to kil that little creep, for locking us in here, and breaking my base guitar. " As I was saying, before Fionna the twerp interupted me, I was never loved as a child.  So i take my hatred out on all of you guys, on account of my father. Maybe if her loved me, you guys wouldn't have been here today. Blame him! Not me. Then next to me, is Mayleen Lynn Lee. My beautiful girlfriend. Yes, girlfriend, Felony."

                             Felony bursted out in tears, as she rested her head on her brother. 

                                "And I am Mayleen Lynn Lee. But to you guys, Lady Mayleen, or Miss Lee. I was given up as a child, by my mom and dad, Marceline and Marshall Lee. They gave me up to Ice King, so he, the lunitic, could raise me. Why, Marceline? Why? IceKing never had time for me or Blake. He only acknolged Crystal, and Gunter the Second. Never us. Never. If Marcy didn't give me up, I would of joined the rebellion, but nooooo. Then Simone was born, and you didn't give her up. So I stole Flambo, and took his life, to gain flame power. I started the fire, that killed my dad. Me, me, me! I am the reason your precious Marshall is dead. Mwahahahaha."

                                "How old are you guys?!?" Lemon Pie, or whatever her name is ,asked the two 'All knowing'.

                             "19. And our marriage is coming up soon. We wll be very happy together, destroying the land of Ooo using your powers! We even adopted a child. One with quite a dum name to be percise." Mayleen shouted at that lemon princess or whatever, as i said already. 

                           An adorable little girl walked into the room that my daughter and her lousy boyfriend were in. She had two pigtails, that held up her long, curly blackish hair. Her skin color was a pale blue, and she had big, green eyes. "Mommy. Who are these people?" She ased Mayleen, as she tugged on her dress. 

                            "You'll see, baby. You'll see."

Adventure Time Finn x FP and their kids :)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora