Chapter 10

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Mayleen's P.O.V

                 Hmph. O little does Batalina know that her aunt and gramma is locked up in the chamber and they are tooken hostiage. Hmph. Blake and I plan not to tell her, for awhile, cause she might try to help them escape. They think they can actually escape. Foolish people we are too strong.  

                    "Mommy! Why does that girl over there look like you?" Batalina asked me, as she pointed to my sister. I narrowed my eyes, and looked over at Blake. 

                   "Nobody in here looks like mommy or me. They are just betrayers. Ignore them, sweetie, they all hate you. Hate us. I try to protect you from those filthy baboons." Blake answered for me, as Bat's eyes widened. 

                  "That's not true, little girl. Simone, or that girl over there, that you pointed to was your aunt. Don't trust your them. They took us hostiage, or if you don't know what hostiage means, that meant that they took us and made us stay in a room, and feed us poorly!!!" Felix, as I hear, the shy one, told MY daughter. He has no right to say such a thing. We shall punish that rodent!

                      Batalina gave me a meaningful glare. "Is that really true, mom?" I shot Felix an angered look, then looked at away. Eventually Blake got me to cool down, literally.

Felix's P.O.V

                   I rolled my eyes at how lame Mayleen was acting. C'mon people, it's only the truth.....

Mayleen, Blake and Batalina  ran out of the room. "Stay here, we will be back in five hours. Hmph. Who am I kidding? You can't even get out if you wanted to."

                    "Ok, here's the plan." NPTR finanly said, as he started playing music. I looked down at him and nodded.

                       He motioned us to get to his highth. We all leaned down and sat next to him. He then whispered, in a very slow voice. 

Author's Note-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hey guys, I know this wasn't long, I know that was sorda boring, but i have author's bloc. Don't worry though, an exciting part is coming. 

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