Chapter 11

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Flame Princess' POV

                  I carefull listened to NPTR's plan. He wanted us to go the glass window and he had some powers he kept to himself, that nobody knew about. He would make us all invisible,and he would bang on the window. Mayleen and Blake would come running to punish us, and when they saa that they we are gone, they'll rush in. All of us will cover our ears, as Lemon Grab, and Lemon Pie will play their magical music that will make anyone that hears it to fall asleep. 

                 "Everyone ready? Invisible!"  NPTR asked, as he pointed his 'pie thrower' at us. We all nodded as he made us invisble. "Knock knock." He started to bang on the windows.

                      It took awhile, but eventually they walked into the room, grumbling. I tried not to laugh when Mayleen nearly fainted when she saw that we were gone. "Holy sh*t!! Where did they go?!?"

                     Blake's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he saw it, too. They both rushed over into the room, as planned. "Now!"  We all covered our ears and ran out as the two mean rulers fell to the  floor. On the way to the abandoned lab, Batalina, the little vampire stopped us, just as our invisiblity potion wore off. 

                        We all got ready to hear the worst. "Take me with you, please?" She asked as she lifted her hands up, for Marceline to lift her up.  Marcy bent over and picked up the girl. Jake grabbed us all, and streched up to the ceiling.

                           He broke through the top, and we were all thrown off we reached the surface. The toxic waste had gotten much stronger, as we all passed out. 


                            As i opened my eyes,  the first thing i saw was a dark colored wall, as with burnt furniture. There was no ceiling, and there was one broken window. In the corner was a crib, that looked unharmed. "Ahh. You're all awake." 

                               I looked over, and all of us were up, looking around for the man that was speaking. All that we saw was a bat hanging on one of the clothes wire. That bat transformed into a man, around the age of 18. 

                              "Marcy!  Is that you?!?"  The guy asked, as he ran over to hug her. I don't know how Marceline doesn't look a day over 18. "I never thought I would ever find you again."

                               Marcy smiled, and laid her head down on his shoulder. "Marshall! It's you!!! I missed you so much!!! I thought you died!!!" They kissed, and kissed, and kissed untill Simone and Batalina walked over to Marshall. 

                                 "Dad?" Simone asked, as she leaned into hug him. "Is it you?" He nodded, and hugged her back, but stopped as he saw Batalina.

                                  "Hi! I am your grand daughter."  Batalina told him, as he ran over to him.

                               Marshall glanced over at Marceline and gave her a puzzled smile. "Who must you  be? We only had Mayleen, and she is standing here infront of us. Surely, she can't be that young, and have had this darling. Marcy?......"

                                 "Marshall. We shouldn't have given up Mayleen. She she she..... is no longer good. She turned with Ice King's son. Then that girl you thought was Mayleen, is actually Simone. I was pregnant with her when we got seperated....... Then that is Mayleen's daughter, Batalina, which she adopted......" Marceline told him. 

                                   I looked over at Finn, and walked over to him. Suprisingly, we had a terrified look on his face. "Felony and Felix are missing."

                                  Everything went silent, as we all stood there in a horrible shock, well all except Marshall. 

                                   "We-we left them there?!?" I stuttered out, as i realized that we had escaped for nothing. 

AUTHOR'S NOTE----------------------------------------

 Hahahahahhahha. You guys thought Marshall was dead!!!!!! I couldn't wait to add that in!!!! I wish I could see all your guy's faces when you read that!!! Ok, ok, Love ya guys!!!!! Enjoy the sweet thought of Marshall being back. :) And this is a Fiolee fan fic. I know you guys are like "No, it's not a fiolee fan fic".  Well wait and see, you shall be shocked by how it ends. Mwahahahahaha. Ok bye :)


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