It All Ends

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                           "Whoa, bro. I am lost." Finn told Jake, as Jake stopped reading his fan fic. He looked up at the boy, and gave him a puzzled look.

                            "What Finn? The action barely has begun. Hold your pants, Finn!" Jake told Finn, as he began to continue reading.

                            "Yea, Jake, I agree with Finn, like c'mon, we all know that there is more Fiolee fan fics on wattpad, then there is Marshall x Marceline. Anyway I like Fiolee better." Marshall argued, as he floated closer to Fionna.

                            "Well I amupdating it to Wattpad! Like it or not!" Jake told the crowd of people, as he clicked the "Save and Publish" button on the bottom of the page. "Hahaha. Did it!"

                            "That is nothing good as MY Fionna fan fics! Fionna and I were meant to be together, right?" Ice King asked, as he shoved Marshall away, and put his arm around Fionna, who flipped him.

                            "Just let Jake submit it. It never really got to the end though." Princess Bubblegum commented, as she got up from the ground, and headed off to her kingdom.

                              "Whatcha think, Hermione and Ron?" I asked my two friends who were poking at the computer.

                               "Harry, how do you even know what this Adventure Time Series is. I can't believe that you actually joined this website. It's so, so, weird!" Hermione told me, as she looked down wattpad's screen.

                               "C'mon Hermione, there is fan fics about us in here! I can't wait to read them!" Ron told Hermione, as he took the mouse from he. "This isn't a real mouse, is it?"

                               Both Hermione and I shook our heads. "Well I just hope this story will be good enough for Snape." I told them, as I copied and pasted it to a word document, and sent it to Snape.

                               "No, Harry! You were supposed to write about the werewolves on page 394!" She told me, as she shook her head at me.


                               "And that's how I failed Snape's class, Lily." I told my daughter, and Ginny giggled. I was so happy that I finaly wrote a book. :)

Author's Note

                         I had to cut this off short, because people were messaging me about it, and wondering how this would be a fan fic. I was afraid they weren't going to add more, so I had to finish it short. I might make Harry write a sequel. Maybe.

Adventure Time Finn x FP and their kids :)Where stories live. Discover now