Burning Bright 2

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Dean wasn't fully awake, nor fully asleep. She felt someone gently laying her down on a bed, and pulling the blankets up over her shoulders. She felt them kiss her forehead and stroke her hair once before leaving. And she heard them, though it was muffled, tell someone else to keep watch over her.

But even though she wanted to wake, she couldn't. Why couldn't she wake up? It was a bit frustrating. She furrowed her brow in her sleep, as a big thing made itself comfortable hanging from the roof of the room to watch her. It's master had used some of his power to keep her from waking until morning, feeling she needed sleep.

Eventually, morning came, and Dean's eyes snapped open. She couldn't see much, as drapes covered the window, but she could make out a shape hanging from the roof. She stared at it, scared of what it could be. When it noticed she was awake, it's head twitched. A few moments later, the room's door swung open and someone strode through the room and opened the drapes. Dean flinched away from the light that flooded the room, but her eyes were glued on the thing on the roof.

It was a brown bat, and it was staring right at her.

"Camazotz, go change." The man by the window commanded. The bat made a small noise before letting go of the roof and flying out of the room. As soon as it was gone, Dean's attention went to the man.

He was tall, maybe 6 foot. His skin was deathly pale, almost... gray. He had black hair that was stylishly cut, with one long bang in the front. His eyes were the color of rubies, and there was a resting smirk on his face. He was wearing a black two-piece suit.

"Good morning, dear," He said. "How did you sleep?"

Dean sat up, gulping. Memories from last night revealed themselves to her.

"W-who are you?" Dean choked out bravely, image of the fuchsia eyed being flitting through her thoughts. "Where--where am I?"

A look of vague annoyance--not directed at Dean however--passed over his features before being replaced by a gentle, comforting look. One you might show to a wounded animal. He slowly walked to the side of her bed.

"My name is Malphas, and you're in my house." He told her gently. Dean's mind raced. She didn't know anyone named Malphas. Why...

"Why am I here?"

Malphas sighed.

"They really didn't tell you anything, did they?" He asked aloud. Dean wasn't sure if she was supposed to answer or not. She was feeling completely and totally lost. Malphas seemed to notice and he offered her a smile. "Why don't we talk about it over breakfast? Camazotz makes excellent pancakes."

"Camazotz..." Dean repeated, doubtful. "The bat?"

Malphas chuckled.

"That's what he looks like most of the time, yes." He agreed. "Though you may like his other form better. Now, breakfast?"

Dean bit her lip but nodded, throwing the blanket that had been placed on her off. She was still in the clothes she had been in the night before; a large faded blue t-shirt and a pair of neon green shorts. Malphas glanced at her clothes and shook his head, smiling.

"Those are good enough." He said. "We'll get you a change of clothes afterwards."

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