Murky Waters

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It was one of those days, Jess reflected as she looked out the living room windows from the couch, nursing a coffee cup of cold sweet tea. One of the drear days, those days that made you feel isolated no matter how many people you were around or connected to. A day with non-stop drizzling rains, and yet no lights in the house turned on. A day where she ought to turn on the tv or something to distract herself, but couldn't bring herself to do it. A day where she would usually play her loud Spotify playlist, but she'd broken her headphones and it seemed wrong to taint the quiet with that sort of music.

It was a drear day alright, and Jess couldn't imagine anyone being outside on a day like this. Everything seemed so dreamlike. So peaceful.

Jess' eyelids fluttered shut and her whole body relaxed completely. Her coffee mug sank down with her hands into her lap, and Jess drifted off to sleep.

She awoke maybe an hour later, when her brain registered difficulty breathing and a painful pressure on her throat.

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