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Michael was beyond clueless of what to do. He felt like he had just been slapped in the face, humiliated and vulnerable. He had tears in his eyes as he left Luke alone in the bathroom and made his way out of Kroger. He was ignoring all the stares thrown at him by all the people who had witnessed what just happened.

Michael couldn't even explain how he felt. Crying gave him migraines and all that he could focus on right now was his two feet and each step he took as his eyes were trained on them and the pain in his left temple.

All he had left to do was go home, and he hadn't even thought about how he would do that. He didn't think ahead for himself and leave one of the doors unlocked so he could let himself back in. He didn't even take a key with him.

Michael pulled his phone out of his pocket and searched through his contacts. Ashton was usually the guy Michael ranted to for hours on end, and he never seemed to get annoyed. Michael needed to vent, and Ashton was going to be his go-to.

To add to his inconveniences, Ashton didn't pick up. Michael had run out of options, and knew he had to go home. He guessed he would try a window, hoping one would be unlocked so at least one thing would happen to go in his favor on this night.

Luke had always been there to make Michael happy. He had turned Michael's life around in this short amount of time that he had been in it. He had no idea how or why Luke had the affect on him that he did, all he knew was that Luke made Michael want to be good. He made Michael feel and think and act good, way better than he had ever been.

Sure Michael has had some relapses after fighting with his parents, but usually nothing even had to trigger him to go out and do what he would do. He would simply do it because he was a savage and did not care what his parents said or what rules they gave him. Luke changed it all.

Michael began to think Luke couldn't stay upset with him forever. They were just in the first fight they'd ever had, and it would blow over eventually. Luke could be callimg any minute to apologize. That's how it happened in the movies, anyway. Although this was nothing like a movie; no script and no actors. Just whatever fate wants to do to help or hurt you. Fate is a pain in the ass.

Michael was headed home, tear stained cheeks and just barely putting one foot in front of the other as his knees felt as weak as his insides. No one had ever made him feel this down. Michael should've known better, he should've realized what he was doing. He should've ran at the first thought of feeling something for Luke.


When Michael appeared in his front yard, the first window he tried was the kitchen window that sat directly above the sink. It was locked. He then tried the window behind the kitchen table. Also locked. So Michael moved on to the bathroom.

That window was always cracked open because Michael's father took the most foul shits known to man, so Michael was counting on this one. Sure enough, when he reached it he was cursing at himself for not trying this window first.

He was lucky he had a little bit of muscle, because he wouldn't be able to get up without it. He had the muscle, and he pulled himself up and through the window and toppled onto the tile. And that's where he passed out for the night.

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