A New Beginning Part 2

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I started to familiarize myself with my schedule and classrooms. I started to like my teachers and classes. The one thing I would never like was my "classmates". I tried not to socialize with them mostly because they are very different compared to me. I always stood out from everybody because they all like to act stupid. I didn't talk to anyone for a while I thought it would be better that way. The first day was boring all the teachers made us get to know each other. That was a terrible idea because I wouldn't even be talking to the other students or anyone for that matter. The best part of my day was writing how my first day of school was. It read as follows.

My first day of school was terrible. I woke up with my stomach hurting so bad I could've died. As soon as I stepped through those doors I felt the joy being sucked right out of me. It was terrible getting to know other classmates. I didn't like them and I never would.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter the next one will be up before you know it. Thanks for viewing and goodbye. :)

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