The storms

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"Oh no" I thought. It has begun I could hear it through the air. The wind was blowing and racing through the air so much that it knocked me down. I had hoped this day would not come, but a last it was here. There was nothing I could do to stop it. I heard thin voices through the roar of the wind so I had to see what was going on. When I approached their voices had turned to laughter. They were fine and healthy, but I wasn't because I realized they were laughing at me.

The inevitable day that always came with going to school. The nicknames oh how much I hate them so. They gathered with their friends and the names flowed throughout the school. Carried by the wind they traveled with haste all throughout the other classrooms. They thought I could not hear them, but I have great hearing so their nicknames were not so decscreit.

"Filty, Filty wait how do you say your name? filtyiarian"." For the 1000th time it's Filtiarn". I always said to them.

Yes these are one of the many troubles I face going to school. The public ridicule was brutal. Their words and whispers created storms of massive emotional destruction. The thing is that I know they know my name, but they wanted to be funny. I guess I had a different sense of humor because I found the nicknames to be plain immature. I predicted this as well because everytime I open my mouth the rumors and names begin. I care not anymore because they will not succeed in life by childish name calling.

A name is chosen from your personality, looks, the way you act, and who you are. Do not succumb to childish names ment to entertain idiots. Choose your own name or let wise men and women decide.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter the next one will be up before you know it. Thanks for viewing and goodbye. :)

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