Lost Time

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When you're in school the one thing you always pay attention to is the time. Counting down the hours until you can go home. The thing you only have so much of in your life. The clock is always ticking down every day. Today I got my report card for the first part of school. I received straight A's which was a little surprising to me. I always seem to get at least one B in my grades, but not this time so it was a nice surprise. So far this school year was looking okay, but then again it has only just begun. The first part of school always seemed boring and uneventful to me because I was still learning my way around. I didn't talk much to anyone because I barely knew any of my classmates. They barely knew me in fact they don't know me at all because I refused to talk to them. My classmates and I have very different interests therefore I would not talk to them. The first part of the school year was over and I would move to the second part. The clock is still ticking for every second that goes by is less time you have. You would be wise to not waste your time, but use it wisely because you only have so much.

People say time is an illusion and that it is a state of mind. It is true for some that a second can last a lifetime and sometimes it feels like time is counting slowly. Other times it passes by within a blink of an eye.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter the next one will be up before you know it. Thanks for viewing and goodbye. :)

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