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It wasn't long before I spoke to someone and broke my vow of silence. I'm almost glad I did because some things need to be said. The thing was that I could've gone through the whole school year without talking to someone. I didn't though because if I did,nothing would've happened that school year. I wouldn't have met my best friend, I wouldn't get to know Jen more, and I wouldn't have had a panic attack. If I look back at it now that school year was good and bad for multiple reasons, but you can't have one without the other. It happened within the first week of school. I was tired of people asking me questions I couldn't ignore. Everyone has a breaking point and mine was my name or nicknames. I didn't like when people would randomly start giving me nicknames. If that wasn't bad enough it was worse when it had to do with my actual name. Everywhere I went people had a nickname for me and usually it was the same one. Over time I grew accustomed to it, but only my friends were allowed. That's why I spoke I couldn't handle my name being mispronounced over again. It wouldn't matter because I would've had to speak sooner or later and I'm glad I did.

Stay tuned to find out more. Hope you enjoyed the chapter the next one will be up before you know it. Thanks for viewing and goodbye. :)

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