Chapter 16

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I was about to write more but then I could not help it and just uploaded as much I've written, all because of reading your lovely comments. Thank you so much! 

This chapter will cover a lot of You've Got A Way, the second book of the YSTO series (Evan and Ramona's story). I'll be skipping out many scenes that had Oliver included in them from book 2. It doesn't mean that you'll have problems understanding the future chapters of With or Without You. But to enjoy the detailed scenes you can go back to You've Got A Way. 

Hopefully we will be done with covering Book 2 for Elli and Oliver in the next chapter or two. In Book 2, we only got to read about Oliver, but here and now we'll see what Elli's been doing all the time. ;)

So, enjoy...

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As an act of desperation, Oliver went to Elli's workplace to see if he could get her location from there, but what he got was the information in stead that she had gotten fired. And it was pretty clear that her boss was even trying to hunt down the employee he had fired to take some silly revenge for some issue. Oliver had grabbed the bastard's collar and shook him quite threateningly. Here he was going insane trying to figure out where Elli was and the stupid guy dared open up his own box of silly whines.

Oliver was kicked out of his office by security immediately afterwards.

His brain itched all the time to do something. Something, that would remove the ache inside him. The promoted acidity, now a dangerous heart disease, had settled itself quite comfortably as a constant ache in his chest.

So he brainstormed...

If Elli can decide to take a long respite to a far-away place, why can't he?

If Elli doesn't have a job, then doesn't he have the least bit right to go on a long vacation and try getting himself fired? 

And he hoped these would help him calm down.

But, getting himself fired, it was proving to be a very difficult job. Oliver thought with a sneer.

It was a pain in the ass getting a boss like Brandan who was way too much understanding for his own good. Since the day Brandan refused to accept his resignation letter, Oliver had been on a strike. He had stopped going to the office, thinking that it would have that stubborn boss of his to fire him finally.

He aimed to go vagabond soon. If that Brandan accepted his resignation letter, he would be jobless as well. Who knows, Elli would probably return then, to kick some sense into his brain! Oliver thought with an anxious sigh.

"But where do I go?" he asked to the dusty raccoon that was peeking out the tub in his balcony. He would kill himself before even thinking about going back to his family, he thought with a scoff. He shook off his dark look that tried embracing his whole being the next moment and forced himself to try and turn on the bulb in his brain, removing the depressing and maddening images of his so called family. He succeeded, just like all the other times.

Back to the mission in hand - he scrunched his brows and narrowed his eyes at the raccoon which looked highly alarmed now. "I can't even go over to Brandan's, he's more the boss I'm trying to rile up than the shelter providing friend at the moment."

And Oliver couldn't think of any other friend or relative to go stay in their place and annoy and revive himself, because most of his friends were homeless themselves, others had monstrous girlfriends or wives, his relatives were as much wicked as his own family.

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