Who's Who? (School #1)

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JJ- The Spoiled Brat
That guy that always has the newest game, the coolest hat, the flashiest car. He will do anything to get his popularity up. He can ruin your life with gossip and rumours with a few words to the right people. If you get on their bad side, your life could be destroyed.

Simon- The Jock
Rarely seen without a football, he always has the highest grades in Gym. He can do anything with a football.

Josh- The Responsible One
If you ever get into trouble, or don't know what to do, he is the guy to go to. He is willing to take responsibility for any class assignment, and always knows what you need.

Vikk- The Over Pressured One
This guy is always under a lot of pressure, and strives to be what everyone wants him to be. He puts himself through a lot of work to do what is expected of him, and is always depressed due to what he puts himself through.

Tobi- The Nice Guy
Always helping others, preventing bullying, and making everybody's day a little bit brighter. He is always the guy comforting others, but who comforts him?

Harry- The Misfit
The guy that doesn't really fit into any other groups. He is cool in his own, unique way. He tries to make friends, but they don't last long.

Ethan- The Class Clown
The guy that makes the whole class laugh with his sarcastic and punny comments. He gets some pretty bad punishments to come with his sassy humour.

(A/N Do you want me to write a story set in high school?)

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