Thunderstorms (Minizerk #1 (+ Zerkstar))

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(A/N There's a big thunderstorm going on where I am, and I decided to write this whilst I wait for the power to turn back on 😀. Also, shoutout to shhhhhidkeither , who is reading (and voting on) this book as I write this. I see you 👀.)

Josh's POV

I was editing at 4am when a thunderstorm started. A big one. I sat in silence for a few moments, listening to the thunder and watching the lightning, before remembering something. Simon has a phobia of thunderstorms. Shit! I ran out my room and upstairs to Simon's, throwing open the door. He was sat in a ball in the middle of his bed, the covers over him, sobbing hysterically. I ran over to him and embraced him, sitting beside him on the bed.

"Sssssh, ssssssh, it's ok, it's ok, I'm here." I said, trying to calm him. He sobbed louder as the thunder started again, gripping onto me tightly.

"I... I don't like it, Joshy." He whispered. There was a flash of lightning from the window and Simon squeaked, burying his head in my chest. I pulled him onto my lap, letting him hide his head in my shoulder and wrap his arms around my waist. I held him close as the thunder boomed louder, stroking his back and head.

"It's ok. I'm here. I'm here now, you're ok. It's ok." I whispered into his ear. I held him there for a few minutes, only just realising he had only his boxers on. Granted, I was shirtless too. I moved my mouth from his ear. "Vikk!" I shouted, knowing he could be of some help and that JJ was still asleep.

"Yeah?" He yelled back.

"Can you come and help me with Si?" I asked loudly.

"Oh, sure!" He replied. I heard his footsteps on the stairs as he ran up. "Hey, is he ok?" He said, appearing in the doorway in jogging bottoms, and jogging bottoms only. Thunder boomed through the house and Simon shook like a leaf in my arms.

"Ish." I replied, rocking Simon. He whimpered as the thunder and lightning started again. Vikk sat down facing Simon's back, and started rubbing it slowly, knowing this helped calm him down. We stayed like that for a few minutes as the storm worsened, then the lights flickered and the power went out. Vikk whimpered slightly. Helpfully (note the sarcasm), he's afraid of the dark.

"C'mere Vikk." I said, taking one arm from around Simon and holding it out so I could hug Vikk. He didn't hesitate to crawl over, into my arms. I hugged him awkwardly into my side, before realising I could just lay down. I gently shifted Simon off my lap, hugging him to my side as I lay down, pulling the other two with me. They snuggled into my shoulders, wrapping their arms around me tightly. I held them close, making reassuring noises.

"T-thanks, Josh." Vikk whispered. Simon just whimpered and held me tighter as the storm worsened again.

"No problem, Vikky." I whispered to Vikk. "Si, it's ok it's ok." I said, trying to reassure him. We stayed like that for what felt like hours, the storm getting worse and worse, the power not turning back on. Vikk soon fell asleep in my shoulder. I don't blame him, he gets very little sleep. Simon was still awake, and still very afraid.

"J-Joshy, why isn't it stopping?" Simon asked.

"I don't know, baby. I don't know." I said, hugging him close. Vikk rolled over in his sleep, and I took my arm from around him, putting it around Simon instead. He whimpered at the thunder and hid his face in my chest, clearly very afraid. I held him close through the night, not letting go. At about 6am, I closed my eyes, sinking into sleep.

It was gunna be awkward to explain to JJ why we were all in the same bed, or why me and Simon were cuddling, in the morning...

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