Chapter 3

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~Blair's POV~
As I'm eating my burger at whataburger with Jenny, Serena, and Ginny, I think back to yesterday when Jenny told us she would tell us what's wrong. "Hey Jenny what wa wrong yesterday? You never told us," "Oh yea, well Penn texted me saying that Chace came over to his house and beat him up-" Serena interrupts, "Good that he did it and I didn't," I smack her in the back of the head. "She wasn't finish you DumbNugget! Flipping crisis pay attention!!" I laugh a bit then listen to Jenny. "Well, he said that when Chace got there he was more than pissed he was furious and that he caused damage in his house, so now I have to pay for it all, so there goes my first month of New York allowance!!" She says exasperated. My little sister Ginny---being the sweet girl she is----scoots closer to Jenny and says, "Don't worry, I'm sure we can tell your mom what happened and then Chace can pay for you've got us," she then hugs her and Jenny hugs her back but gives her a kiss on the cheek. "You know what you're right why not get big bro in trouble for know Ginny I'm glad this Jenny had you!!" She giggles a bit, I smile seeing my little sister hug one of my best friends//other little sister. Serena then says, "See I knew she was smart but not that know your cunning smart little Ginny, I dig it." "Oh please tell me you did not just say you dig it!!" I say laughing almost falling out of my chair. Serena then shrugs and grabs me so I don't fall off, but I pull her down with me. We both fall just as these two cute guys named Jackson and Rider walk in. We see them and scramble up, they see us and walk over here. "Hey Blair!" Jackson says to me. Rider then leans down towards Serena and whispers something in her ear to make her grimace and shove him. "Really Rider that was a long time ago you can leave now!!" Serena yelled obviously getting really mad. "Dude stop screwing with her!" Jackson says defending us, "whatever man," rider says leaving. We all then get up and start walking out, "so I heard you're moving to New York?!" Jackson asks me, scratching his neck. "Uh yea I leave tomorrow actually..." "Oh wow well, I hope I get to see you again, you're fun to hang out with. Plus you're really cute." He says smirking, "oh thanks, well I'll text you and stuff but I gotta go take my little sister home so, see ya around I guess?!?" I say a bit nervous, don't know why tho. "Uh yea see ya!!" He says as he hugs me. "Bye!" I say as I drive away. "Oooooo my sisters got a crush!!!" Ginny yells, "Actually, used to have a crush but we are really good friends so it's nothing like that Ginny!!" I correct. "Fine, oh yea did you know about Grant and Reagan? Mom and Bryan just keep asking me about it when I know that nothing's gonna happen...." "Wait am I the only one who just found out about this!!?!?!?!" I screech through the car. "Think so Blair!!!" Jenny says laughing, I glare at her and Serena laughing their asses off. Whatever. Once we arrive at Serena's, I let them out, hug them, and drive off but before I did I tell, "LOVE YOU GUYS!!" Out the window like always. "Love you!!!" They yell back, so when me and Ginny get home I head up to my room, lay down and instantly pass out. I wake up to a tickle feeling, i look up and see my 1 year old German Shepard; Winston laying his extremely heavy body on me. "Winston!!" I groan, I try and push him off me but he won't budge. Finally, Harley calls him down for his breakfast. "Ugh, finally!!!!" I say getting up, I walk over to my purse that's on the floor; since everything else is in the moving truck. I grab my keys and head down stairs, I give my mom a kiss on the cheek, hug Bryan, kiss Ginny on the head, flick Grant in the back of the head and sit down. "Ow what was that for!!?!?!" Grant yells, "No reason just felt like it," I say shrugging and putting pancakes on my plate. "Blair-sweetie, leave your brother alone please," my mom says politely, "Fine, but when he hits me, I'm hitting him back," "whatever, I'm heading over to grab some paper work from the office and school. I'll be back in a couple hours I'm meeting Mary for lunch." My mom says as she grabs her keys and leaves, giving Bryan a kiss while leaving. "Bye mom love you!!!" All us kids yell. Once I'm done with my breakfast I go and wash everyone's dishes. "Blair could you take Rowan to daycare and Harley to her last day at summer camp here?" Bryan asks me, sipping his coffee. "Yea, sure anyways I was heading over to Serena's for a shower and clothes anyways, do u want me to take the twins too??" "Sure just make sure that Grant gets in Nate's house this time and just drop Ginny off at grandmas, please," he says washing his cup out. "Okay, will do!" I yell grabbing my purse from upstairs. I run down the stairs, grab Rowan and yell, "Harley, Grant, Ginny get in my car!!!" As I'm petting Winston, I see all them run up to Bryan and hug him, telling him bye and they'll see him later. I then walk up to Bryan, hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek. He grabs Rowan and gives her a kiss on the cheek, Rowan then says, "I wuv u daddy!!" She squeals at the end and I smile think how much my family means to me. "Okay Blair, I'll see you later, bye, love you!!" Bryan says as I'm leaving. "Okay bye love you too!!" I buckle Rowan up in my Black Platinum Nissan Armada 2015 that Bryan bought me for my 16th

Grant just had to sit in the fro y seat yay! "Okay, everyone buckled up??" I ask making sure Harley;whose vey forgettable about that, is buckled up

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Grant just had to sit in the fro y seat yay! "Okay, everyone buckled up??" I ask making sure Harley;whose vey forgettable about that, is buckled up. "Yea!" They all say, I turn the radio on and hear Sit Still, Look Pretty is on and blast it. As I'm jamming out Grant turns it off. I roll my eyes and turn my head towards him, "And why did you turn that down?!?!" He shrugs and says, "Felt like it and your annoying when you 'jam out' or whatever that was." "That doesn't mean you turn it off, ugh, I hate you," I say and roll my eyes focusing back on the road. "HEY!!" I hear grant yell and slightly look back to see Ginny laughing. "Why did you kick me?!?!" Grant says slapping her foot. "Felt like it!!" She says sticking her tongue out, I laugh a bit at that. "Whatever." He mumbles. I pull up to the day care, get Rowan out and take her up to the front desk, I sign her in and say to her, "Row-row I'm leaving now I love you, be good." I give her a kiss on her chubby little cheek and hand her to Katy the worker there. "Bye-bye sissy!!" She squeals. "So now I gotta take you to camp," I say pointing to Harley once I'm in the car. We head over to the camp without a word. Harley gets out hugging me and running to her friends. "Bye Blair!!" I hear her yell over to me, "Bye Harley!!" I then drop off Grant, "Bye stupid face!! Hope you have a horrible day!!" I say driving away, "Whatever Buttface bye!!" I hear him say as Ginny gets in the front. I laugh cause he sucks at come backs and head to Mamaw's to drop off Ginny. Ginny being Ginny turns on the radio, Cake by the Ocean is on and we jam out to it, yelling all the lyrics. Once I pull up in Mamaw's drive way I turn down the radio and let out Ginny. "Love you Gin, bye!!" She hugs me, saying, "love you too sis, bye!!" Once she's in the house I drive off to Serena's. I get there and see a new looking car in their drive way. I get inside, run upstairs and say, "Uh Serena what's that car doing in your drive way I've never seen it before?" She starts squealing and that's when I know it's a good thing, "ITS MY NEW CAR!!!!MOM GOT IT FOR ME!!!!!" We start jumping up and down, squealing. "Come check it out!!!" She says pulling me down the stairs and outside. "I can't believe she got me a car!!!" She yells all legit and stuff. I walk around the car seeing that it's a Silver Crossover-Hybrid Subaru 2016.

"I love it Serena!!!" I say as we are walking inside

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"I love it Serena!!!" I say as we are walking inside. She then throws me extra clothes and my toothbrush. "Thanks I'll be done in 20 minutes then we can leave!!!" I yell down the hall. Once I'm finished I grab my keys, purse and Serena, we get in our cars and leave.

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