Chapter 4

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~Blair's POV~
Serena and I head over to her Grandma and Pap's. Once we get there we walk inside and head to the kitchen where her grandma usually is; "Hey Grams," Serena says hugging her. "Hi sweetie....are you all ready to move tomorrow?!" "Yep all ready to go, did mom tell you she got me a car??" She says smiling, "oh yes she called earlier when she left--" She then looks at me and smiles, "--oh! Blair sweetie, how are you?!" Grams says hugging me. "I'm great! How are you??" "I'm good Pap isn't too good though, Serena sweetie why don't we all go up and talk to him? He wants to see you two..." She informs us and leads us upstairs. We get upstairs and walk up to Pap on the bed. "Hi pap, how are you? I'm gonna miss you when we leave tomorrow," Serena says sitting down next to him and sighing. "Oh Serena I'm okay, I'm just not doing too good, now you know if anything happens when you leave I want you to know I love you Serena," he says coughing a bit. Serena starts crying and I tear up, "I'm gonna miss you pap," he wipes a tear from her face, "sweetie did you know you have your fathers remind so much of him; you are strong-willed, brave and goofy like him and I want you to remember that," Serena is sobbing by then. "I will and thank you for being the best grandpa ever, Pap." She then gave him a kiss in the cheek and let me sit by him. "Hi Pap," a year rolls down my cheek too, "oh not you too Blair, I need you to always stay with Serena and you both be the strong best friends I know you are," he says taking our hands, "now I'm going to miss you two girls, be good, I love the both of you with all my heart." We looking at him and start crying again. "Love you Pap, this isn't goodbye more like a see you later," I say, "She's right Pap this isn't goodbye, I love you." Serena says calming down as we leave. "Thank you for coming girls I love you both," Grams says hugging us, "we love you too." We say as we get in our cars and drive back to my place for the rest of the day.

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