Chaptet 12

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~Blair's POV~
I get to the little cafe and see Chuck seated right outside with two cups of coffee. I walk up and he hugs me, hands me the coffee and we start to walk around Central Park. "So how have you been since the break up?" He asks me, "honestly I don't really know but what I do know is that I'm so hurt because of how we broke up," "well what do u mean how did you guys break up??" He questions, I realize I never told him or anyone else for that matter besides Serena why we broke up. "Well, he saw a text from Serena saying something about this other guy I liked and I was confused because I was really happy with Ely but i don't know...," I look down and see I already finished my coffee so I throw it away. "Understandable," he says. The rest of the time we are goofing around and people kept staring at us but we could care less. It was probably the first time in a while that I had had fun with someone like this(besides Serena) and to be honest it made me really happy that I was happy. After about 3-4 hours of goofing around we stop at some steps and sit down and talk. "Hey I have this charity event thing that my parents are forcing me to go to, do you maybe wanna be my date?" I smile and nod, "yea sounds better then staying home and stopping Grant and Ginny from killing each other." He laughs at that. "Okay well it's in 3 hours and were across town so I'll take u home then we can meet at the Galla when ur ready okay?" I nod and smile again, "yea," after he drops me off I rush upstairs and garb my makeup, clothes and shoes, I rush over to Serena's and get ready. Once I'm ready I look in the mirror, I'm wearing a gold and bronze-ish dress that Serena bought me for Christmas, some heels and light makeup. "Okay u look amazing now twirl..." Serena says more demanding, I twirl for her and she squeals, "my master piece is complete!!" She yells at the top of her lungs. At that Jenny comes running in out of breath, "gosh I thought someone was dying in here or some--" she then sees me and whistles, I laugh and throw a brush at her, "damn Blair u clean up nice..." I roll my eyes and she laughs, "I'm just kidding but you do look smoking hot, what you got a hot date??" She wiggles her eyebrows. "Practically," Serena says before I could respond. "It's just Chuck for goodness sake!!" I say exasperated, "Yea it's Chuck Bass," Jenny says and leaves. "Okay well I'll call u if I need something and text u when I'm on my way home," I tell Serena as I'm leaving to the Galla. "Okay love you bye!!" "Love you too bye!!"

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