Chapter 10

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~Blair's POV~
It's been about a week since I've seen Ely and he hasn't called me or anything. I'm heading to Serena's when I stop and get a coffee, I see Ely at the food truck where I always get my coffee, I run up to him. "Ely, hey why haven't you been picking up?" He turns around and just brushes past me, shoving my shoulder a bit. I'm taken aback and I grab his arm but he rips it's from my grasp. "Hey what's up with you?" "Blair just leave me alone," he starts to walk away but then turns around, "you know if you had feelings for him you could have just said something instead of acting all happy with me." I can see all the angry written on his face. "W-what are you talking about?" "When you were over at my place about a week ago, I wake up to a text from Serena saying something about ur feelings for Chuck? Does that ring a bell to you?" He raises his voice a bit which scares me. "Ely I was confused and I still am but I was never and I mean never acting like I was happy, I am happy with you bu-" I feel a tear slip down my cheek. "But what?! Your sorry??? No because you know what?" He then runs his hands through his hair, stressfully and he just stops and looks at me angrily. "Okay Ely, tell me what you feel for me is real or if it's just a game? If it's real we'll figure it out, but if it's not then please just let me go. Because you're not the only one who has been kind of per-say unhappy. So, please just let me go," I'm sobbing by now, "fine goodbye Blair." He then walks away, I grab my coffee and keep walking to Serena's.

" He then walks away, I grab my coffee and keep walking to Serena's

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I pull up my hair and knock on the door to her room. She answers and I rush to her bed, sighing I grab a pillow and scream into it. "Blair are you okay?" "No Serena I'm not, Ely just broke up with me and I've been acting like I'm okay, but I'm not." I'm standing up by then pacing back and forth. "Hey Blair it's gonna be okay, you are going to be okay because you have me, Jenny, Chace, ur family and mine. You can't just not be okay, because to me you are okay u always will be, as long as I'm here you will be." She says pulling me in for a hug and we just stay there hugging for who knows how long, but I'm happy I have her to help. "Thank you Serena," I say hugging her and giving her kiss on the cheek, "no need to thank me, I'm just doing my job." She smiles and kisses my cheek too. I smile and we lay on the bed watching Netflix for hours helping me forget all the bad shit out of my brain.

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