Chapter 7

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~Blair's POV~
I wake up to Grant and Ginny fighting and Serena yelling at Chace. I walk to the bathroom, brush my teeth and get dressed while everyone calms down, "ugh!! Chace is so annoying!!" Serena says sitting next to me on the bed. "yea he is.." I say more in a whisper. "You okay Blair?" "Yea I just need pancakes!!!!" I say trying to cheer up and thinking of pancakes. Once everyone is dressed and ready we get in the cars, head to drive thru and eat. We all finish, get on the road; "Girls, do u want the music on?" "YESSS!!!"Serena, Jenny and I scream. When we hear Cheap Thrills by Sia come on we all bust out dancing And videoing each other; being weird. After about 2 hours of driving we stop for a break even though we have an hour left. "Okay you girls can go walk around the rest stop but meet us back at the car in 20 minutes," "yes mom," Serena says as we walk off. We walk over to a vending machine and get some fruit snacks to eat when I get a call. "Hold on I'll be right back," I say walking a bit away. I look at who's calling and a smile busts out and onto my face; Ely.
E----hey, how's the road trip?
Me----good I guess, but, I miss you.
E---I miss you too. I have to say something and u don't have to say it back.
I feel like I know what he is going to says and honestly I think I feel the same.
E---um, well I, uh, I love you Blair.
My cheeks turn a deep shade of red.
E---it's fine u don't have t-
Me---no Ely I was going to say that I feel the same way but idk if I can say those exact words yet.
E---it's fine as long as I know u feel the same.
Me---ok good well I got to go I'll call you later?
E---yea bye Blair
I hang up the phone an rush over to Serena and Jenny now fully happy and smiley. When I am getting food from the vending machine they look at each other knowingly. "So, Blair did someone particular call you or are you just magically all smiley?!" Serena asks wiggling her eyebrows. "Maybe," I say popping a fruit snack in my mouth and walking over to the car. They run after me, stop me and look at me obviously wanting me to spill. "It was just Ely.....gosh guys," I start to get into the car only to have them follow me. "Oh so it was "just Ely"" they say using air quotes. "yes now I'm going to listen to music okay? So I'll talk to y'all in a bit." I say laughing a bit. "Okayyyy," they say as their mom gets in the car. We get to New York and to our new houses, of course our parents all make us unpack immediately so we do that and it's about dinner time when we finish. We all head out to eat and head back to the houses. In the morning we start to decorate and organize the houses. We finish the Stevens house first since Chace is looking for an apartment first thing tomorrow.
(((Skip to next day)))
So Chace found an apartment and we helped him move in. About a week after that we start school.

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