Chapter 9

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~Blair's POV~
It's been about a week since Ely got here, he and I have been pretty happy but i don't know what to do about my feeling for Chuck. I haven't really talked to Serena about it yet but I will if something happens sooner or later. As I am walking to meet Ely outside his place I grab a coffee. Once I get there I wait for him, by the time he gets outside Ive been done with my coffee. He approaches me, "hey, sorry I was on the phone with my mother," he says hugging me. "It's okay," i then give him a kiss.

The rest of the day we walked around New York laughing and talking

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The rest of the day we walked around New York laughing and talking.
((Time skip))
It's been about 3dats since I last saw Ely and honestly it gave me sometime to think about my situation; I really do like Ely and I feel guilty for also liking Chuck while I'm dating him. I finally decide to ask Serena for help before anything bad happens. "What should I do?" I ask her after about 30 minutes of explaining. "To be honest I don't know but how do u really feel about Chuck?" She says looking at me expectedly, "I really and truly like him but I also really like Ely," I say sighing. "Ugh!!! Why do I have to like two guys for crying out loud?!?!" "Sweetie it'll get better I promise you your true feelings will show soon just have faith, please don't mess up Blair, I love you too much to see you get hurt," she says kissing my head. "I will, I promise you Serena," I say kissing her hand. Just then the doorbell dings. She goes to open it and says its Ely so I head to the door with my coat and purse, I totally forgot we had a date today. We head out and are just walking around laughing and messing around. He then makes a joke while I'm on the phone with Serena, she said she would bring me my swim suit so Ely and I could head to the indoor pool.

We take a cab to Serena's and I grab my stuff, we head over to the indoor pool and start swimming

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We take a cab to Serena's and I grab my stuff, we head over to the indoor pool and start swimming.

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After we are done swimming we realize it's dark out and head to dinner

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After we are done swimming we realize it's dark out and head to dinner. After we are done eating I look at my phone and realize it's midnight and I'm too tired to take a cab or the subway. "Ely, is it okay if I stay at your place tonight it's really late and we are across town?" I ask as I lay my head on his shoulder, "Yea of course anytime." We get to his place, he gets me something to sleep in; one of his old baseball T shirts and some of my old shorts he had from when we all hung out when we were younger. I get changed and wait till he's done getting dressed. He walks out of his bedroom and says, "I'll take the couch and you take the bed," I just nod because I'm too tired to argue. As I lay down I realize I'd rather have him lay down with me. "Ely?" He walks in his bedroom looking at me expectantly, "yea?" "Will you lay with me?" He nods and crawls in to the bed, wrapping his arms around me. "Goodnight Blair," he kisses my cheek, "goodnight Ely," I say as I instantly fall into a dreamless sleep wrapped up in his arms.

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