I. To Russia, With Love | Chekov

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You hear a ping and, without getting out of bed, you pull up your holoscreen. Pavel, your long time boyfriend, hasn't messaged you in weeks. It could be because of his responsibilities aboard the USS Enterprise, but still you're concerned. You're light years away. There are other [girls/boys] aboard the starship who have more in common with him than you.

You quickly open the message:

"Dear [Y/n], I have a video message enclosed in the attatchment. I am sorry for not replying to your calls. I hope this makes up for everything. To Russia, with love, Pavel."

You click the attachment to the message, and the face of your love smiles at you with that boyish grin of his. He looks exhausted, but happy to see you.

"Hello, [Y/n]. I am glad to finally be able to sit down and give you a portion of my time. It has been sooo busy aboard the Enterprise, you have no idea. Captain Kirk is driving everyone mad with his new ideas, but eh." He shrugs. "It has all worked out so far.

"How are things in Russia? I miss it, and I miss you. I wish you'd changed your mind last time I was on Earth about going with me to finish your studies abroad." He gives you a wink. "Next time, da?"

There's some shouting behind Pavel. He turns towards the noise. "I... have to go now. I think Captain Kirk has just started a fight with the Romulans again. I will message you later!" He blows a kiss towards the camera.

I hear someone scream, "Chekov! Where the hell are you?!"

"Coming, Captain!"

You replay the message over and over, knowing that the next time he comes to Earth, you'll be returning with him to the stars.

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