XII. Ship's Counselor (Part 2) | Spock

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You sigh. "I should have done something. Anything that's my job, Spock, and I failed."

"She was in severe pain, [Y/N]. Pain that no one can aid. What she did is not your fault. You did your best." Spock's voice pauses, getting lower and kinder, a tone you've never heard in him before. "Please, let me inside. I could not help R'lai either, and she was my friend. Let me help the friend I still have."

You sigh, unlocking the door with a voice command. Spock enters your room and bends down to your level. His dark eyes are kind, and a hint of an empathetic smile tugs at his lips. "What you did was--"

"--I swear to the goddess, if you say illogical, I will pull you by your elf ears and throw you out of my room."

Spock chuckles, shaking his head. "I was going to say logical."

"What's logical about hurting yourself?"

"Wanting the pain to go somewhere else, hoping that by causing yourself pain it will take away what happened to R'lai. We Vulcans might be logical and cynical, using our brains over our hearts on more than one occasion, but do not mistake my calm for my indifference. I know what you are feeling, [Y/N], and I will not allow you to go through it alone." Spock brushes a strand of hair behind your ear with a small smile. "Even the Ship's Counselor needs someone to talk to."

With a grateful smile and tears in your eyes, you lean forward to embrace the dark-haired Vulcan, wrapping your arms tightly around his shoulders. Spock's find your waist, bringing you closer to him. "Thank you, Spock."

"You're welcome, [Y/N], but was the name-calling absolutely necessary?"


"'I do not have 'elf ears.'"

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