XIV. Copernicus The Cat (Part 1) | Bones

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"Copernicus," you whisper, trying to get the attention of your cat as you wander the hallways of Deck 12. "I'm gonna freakin' kill you, kitty!"

It's been a long day. Nothing made it longer when you found that your cat had slip out the door when you came back for your assignments. The door was open for ten seconds at the most, but your cat had taken the opportunity to sneak out--for the seventh time this month. Every time, you never find him, rather he finds his way back to your door and meows, loudly, in the middle of the night.

This time, you are determined to find where he's been sneaking off to.

"Copernicus! You damn ball of fur," you grumble, using a flashlight to light the dimmed hallways of the Enterprise. Heaven forbid anyone walk outside and see you in your Starfleet pajamas. Though, it wouldn't be the first time. You'd gotten the help of Lieutenant Uhura and Scotty before. Even as much as they love your cat, they couldn't find it.

Before you can call his name again, a door opens just behind you. A grumpy looking Leonard McCoy leans out, squinting his eyes in your direction. "What the hell?"

You don't know Doctor McCoy very well, just from the occasional headache that Kirk's leadership has inevitably given everyone. but you have heard that he can be quite grumpy. You give an embarrassed smile. "So sorry, Doctor McCoy! I'm looking for my damn cat. He's run off again."

"Cat? Big, fluffy, has a black patch of fur over his left eye?"

Your eyes light up. "Yes! Have you seen him?"

Bones nods, turning into his quarters for a moment before reappearing with Copernicus. "This damn cat?"

You laugh excitedly, taking him from the Doctor's grasp. "Copernicus!"

 To be continued...

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