X. Captain To Captain (Part 2) | Kirk

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Kirk and the rest of the Enterprise crew brace for impact; you on your ship do the same. The space around your ships begins to shake and tremble. Sulu causes the torpedoes to explode and both of your ships begin to ride the shock wave out of the wormhole.

"How much further, Sulu?" Kirk shouts, gripping tightly to his seat.

"Not much longer!" Sulu replies. "We're almost through! The wormhole is closing behind us!"

A few more minutes and the two starships burst out on the other side of the wormhole. Though a little destabilized and shaken, the crews of both the Enterprise and the Challenger are safe and sound.

Kirk stands down the red alert and has Sulu contact your ship again. You reply to the hail, grinning triumphantly "Nice flying, Mister Sulu," you congratulate. "Not bad for the pilot of the Enterprise."

Sulu thanks you, and Kirksays. "I'd like to beam you over to thank you personally. And to congratulate you on losing to my ship."

You look at Jim with a perplexed glance. "Excuse me, Captain? We beat you to the other side of that wormhole. I timed you. You were just behind us."

Kirk chuckles. "Oh, so you counted? No need to worry about the system that was being attacked on the other side of that wormhole. You just wanted to win a race."

You shrug, standing. "Some friendly rivalry, Captain. I'm sure you've heard of it." You turn to your pilot. "Lay in a course for Earth. I believe Captain Kirk owes me a drink when we get back home. You in, Kirk? Just some Captain to Captain fun?"

Kirk nods, and Sulu copies the Challenger's movements. "Aye aye, Captain [Y/l/n]. I'll see you when we get home. Mister Sulu, take us out."

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