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Another summer, another reckless summer to be exact. It was only the first day and I have somehow managed to set a paper towel role on fire.

"Crap!" I muttered grabbing the roll by it's... un-buring end and dropped it into the sick turning the faucet on. All I wanted was a grilled cheese, that's all I ask for.

I heard a knock at my front door, I paused for a moment, looking at the sopping wet, charred paper towel roll and sighed, only I can mange to do that.

"Hey," Benny smiled pecking my lips before entering my house. No, Benny and I aren't together together but he tends to pull things like that when we're not around the boys. Our whole freshman year I questioned our relationship and this summer is going to stress me out to the max.

"Jeez Blair, what'd you do set your house on fire?" Benny asked from the kitchen. It did smell of smoke, and he probably spotted the paper towel roll in the sink.

"Only part of it," I shrugged, leaning against my refrigerator.

He smiled and shook his head, "it's only the first day of summer and you've lit something on fire. Can't imagine what you'll end up doing when it ends." Benny took a step closer to me, which to I stepped back.

"I dunno, I was thinking of destroying Mount Rushmore but it's a little risky."

He laughed at my lame attempt as a joke, "Get your bat Mercer, we've got a game to play."

I cocked an eyebrow at him, "do you see what I'm wearing?" I asked, referring to my denim shorts and T-shirt.

"True, come on I'll help you change," he agreed grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards my room.

"Oh no no no no, you buddy, stay out here," I replied moving Benny outside my room.

I could practically hear his eye role from behind my closed door.

"Shut up Ham, I'm trying to concentrate," I muttered as I waited for Kenny to pitch me the ball.

"On what? Benny?" He snickered.

I dropped my arm, allowing my bat to hang at my side, "Ham I-" My insult was cut off with an excruciating pain in my right temple.

"Oh smooth move Kenny! You got her right in the face," Ham shouted.

"Blair I'm sorry! I didn't mean too I thou-" Kenny started but I cut him off.

"Ken, don't worry about it. It was an accident," I reassured, running my temple.

"Blair, move your hand. Let me see it," Benny said moving my hand from my face.

"Benny I'm fine. I think I can take hit," I grumbled, picking the ball up and tossing it to Kenny.

"You don't have to act tough you know," Benny replied.

I furrowed my eyebrows,"what do you mean 'act tough'?" I snapped. "Benny you know I'm not going to put up a scene because I was accidentally hit in the head. God, ever since this whole thing you've been treating me like some eight year old girl with nerve damage! Screw this." Everyone was staring, their mouths gaping open. I even think Hercules was a little shocked.

I stormed out of the lot, maybe 'stormed' is a little too dramatic, I walked out with attitude.

I wasn't lying when I said that, Benny has been acting like I'm not his best friend but more his... oh no. How could I have been blind to this the entire school year? Benny has definitely been treating me like his girlfriend or something. No, that can't happen. That would completely ruin our friendship. I turned around to head back to the lot. No, Blair what are you doing you left for a reason. If you go back he wins. I turned back around and headed home without turning back.

"Blair, honey is that you?" My mom called from the kitchen. She is always in there I swear.

"Yes," I mumbled, dropping my bat and glove at the door.

She poked her head out from the kitchen door, "are you okay? You're never home this early."

I sighed, "everything is fine and dandy."

She said something else, but I couldn't make it out behind my closed door. This wasn't how my summer was supposed to go, only the first day and I set something on fire and picked a fight with Benny. How can this get any worse?

I clearly spoke, well thought way too soon. "Blair! Benny is here," mom called.

You have got to be kidding me, "I'm busy!" In reality I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I'm fifteen years old this shouldn't be a problem right now.

I heard my Mom mutter something to Benny and her footsteps down the hall, "Blairana, you stop acting immature right now."

I sat up, "alright."

She smiled, clearly satisfied with herself. But no way would I let her off that easily.

I heard the creaking of Benny walking on the old floorboards, his face appearing in my doorway.

He smiled, I did quite the opposite. Staring blankly at him

"Can I come in?" He asked, playing with a loose thread on his shirt.

I lied back down on my bed, "Mhhhm, no."

He sighed, "come on Blair. Why are you even mad? All I did was ask if you were okay? You did get hit in the head with a baseball."

"And you told me that I didn't need to 'act tough'. You know, after last summer. You've been acting like I'm incapable of hanging out with you and everyone else."

"I'm sorry okay? I didn't think you'd make a huge deal over this."

I couldn't help but laugh, "I'm not talking about just today you know. I'm talking about your behavior the entire school year!"

"My behavior? You've been acting like I have some sort of deadly disease the past months! You barely even talk to me!"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes Benjamin! Congratulations you finally figured it all out! The reason I no longer enjoy your presence is because of how you act!"

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry, just please come down to the Lot. We need 10 players."

I considered the offer, "no."

Benny lifted his arms to the back of his head, "God Blair, why, why do you feel the need to be so difficult? It's the first day of summer for crying out loud!"

I sat up, "why am I being so difficult? Why are you flipping out over every little thing I do?"

"Because I care about you Blair!" By this time my mother had left, she'll use the excuse 'I needed to pick a few things up at the market." But she really just wanted to not interfere with Benny and I yelling at each other.

"So? You cared about me before all this didn't you? What changed?"

He leaned up against the doorway, "I-nothing Blair. Please can you just drop this."

"I will sometime, but not today."

Benny sighed, he opened his mouth to say something but closed it, walking down the hall and out the front door.

Jeez, I've already nearly burnt my house down and picked a fight with one of the people I care about most. I thought summers were supposed to be fun.

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