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Benny was stood out on my front porch, looking pretty damn hot not gonna lie.

"Benjamin! You look so handsome!" My mom gushed, causing Benny to blush.

"Thank you, Mrs. Mercer." He said.

I awkwardly stood there for a few seconds, feeling Benny's eyes on me. "Alrighty Benny! Let's get this show on the road!"

"Oh! Well, okay bye kids! Benny you have Blairanna home by 11:00 sharp, you got that?" My mom called after us.

"Yes ma'am!" Benny yelled back to the house.

We made our way down the street to school, feeling extremely uncomfortable in my dress.

"You look beautiful, Blair." Benny smiled as we turned onto the street that school is on.

I bit my lip, trying to suppress the smile that was making its way onto my face. "Thank you."

The gym was packed, hot, and sticky. We met up with the boys at the food table, half of it already inhaled.

"Wow! Blair has legs!" Squints said from behind Ham.

"Wow! Blair has boobs!" Bertram laughed causing an eruption of "OOOHS" and laughs from the group.

"Hey, cut it out Bertram. Seriously." Benny scolded, something in his eyes changing.

Bertram held his hands up in defense, "I was just joking around Benny, chill."

Benny was about to open his mouth to reply before I put my hand on his shoulder, "Ben, seriously it's fine he was messing around."

Benny licked his lips before stalking off in the opposite direction, pulling me with him. We went outside and around the corner of the gym stopping at one of the benches sat outside.

Benny didn't talk, I didn't talk. We sat in silence, but the uncomfortable kind. There was clearly something weighing in him.

"Blair." Benny finally spoke up.


"I have loved you since the 6th grade. And-and you're probably gonna flip out at what I'm sayin' but just listen to me okay? I love the way you're so into baseball and so not into this whole dance thing, I love the way you're the only one who actually gets me and doesn't give up on me, and I love the way you always can say something hilarious without meaning too and it lightens the mood every time." Benny down at me, a look on his face i've never seen before. I was honestly at a lose for words so I did the only thing my overwhelmed brain could think of, I just kissed him.

"So, how many bases am I stoppin' at tonight?"

"Oh God Benny for fucks sake!"

The end.

A/n- im sorry this was short, shitty, unedited and cheesy but I just needed to close this story off. thank you for your support and patience. love ya all❤️❤️

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