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"And so, if you walk, you receive an automatic F for the day," Coach Teck boomed, walking in front of my physical education class with a clipboard in hand.

The class broke out into mummers, stating that there was no way they could not walk during the million laps coach gives us.

"Settle down settle down! You will receive you clothes Friday! So we will start class on what day?"

"Friday," we answered.

I hate running more than anything. Which is ironic considering I do play baseball but that's not continues running yenno'?

"This is unreal B. How will we survive?" Carman groaned, pushing herself off of the ground.

"I don't even know. For once in my life, I think I'll fail PE. Do you know how hard it is to fail PE Carman? Near impossible!" I followed Carman to a shady spot beneath the tree that stood before the track and football field.

"It's not that difficult," she said, pushing her hair from her face. "I failed it in the 7th grade."

I laughed, picking at the aglet on my shoelace. I honestly wish I could go back to summer and appreciate it way more than I did. No school, no forced running, and no homework!

"At least we have lunch after this, anything new with boy toy?" Carman smirked.

"Uhhh, yeah." I picked up a blade of grass, twirling it between my fingers.

Carman abruptly sat up, "what?! What happened?! Oh my God, did you like do it?"

"Oh my Gosh Car no! Absolutely not! I mean... no, no!" I yelped, "we just kissed, again."

Carman sighed and sat back against the tree, "he's already kissed you that's not exciting news."

"Well what did you think I was gonna say?" I laughed, adjusting my ponytail.

Carman shrugged, "I dunno, I was hoping you two got to second base."

I playfully shoved her arm, "Car we're only 15!"

She scoffed, "age is just a number."

"Yeah but doing any of... that sticks with you for life man, and I don't think I want to look back at that and remember I was only 15."

"Speaking of eye candy," said Carman.

I followed her gaze over to Benny whom was laughing with his friends playing baseball. Benny is in our physical education class which I am overly excited about.

I started for a few seconds before Benny caught my eye and waved his gloved hand.

"He's sooooo hot B. Go you!" Carman giggled.

"Tell me about it," I mumbled.


I wasn't used to seeing the boys in the hallways yet. My first instinct was to yell at them for stepping foot on upper-school campus but then I remember that they're already 9th graders.

"Blair!" I turned around to see Benny walking towards me at my locker.

I smiled, "hey."

Benny pecked me on the lips and I immediately pulled back.

"What are you doing?!" I hissed, looking around the hallway. "The boys could be anywhere! You can't just go smacking on me when you feel like it!"

Benny laughed, leaning up against the neighboring lockers, "you're so paranoid."

"You bet I'm paranoid! If any of the boys saw that everything would turn to shit. You hear me Rodriguez?" I asked now only inches between our faces.

"Okay, now you're just being a tease," he smirked.

"I give up!" I groaned shutting my locker.

"I haven't."

"I can see that."

Benny scoffed, adjusting his beat up baseball hat. "Can we go now? I'm having baseball withdraw."

I cocked an eyebrow, "you play in PE all the time."

Benny playfully rolled his eyes, "yeah but it's not at the sandlot with you guys."

"Yeah, yeah let's go. Are they meeting us there?" I asked.

"Mhhmh," Benny hummed before tipping my chin up and kissing me again.

This time I really didn't care who saw, or I told myself that.

Benny pulled away and smirked, "you okay Mercer? You look a little, stunned."

I rolled my eyes and wacked his chest, "whatever Rodriguez."

We walked out of school shoulder to shoulder. Turning down the streets to get to the lot.

Relationships are weird if you think about it. You're either gonna break up or get married. Benny and I breaking up would be devastating. But, we're technically not together and I don't know if I want us to be. We've been best friends since the fourth grade, if we broke up what would that do to the boys? Our friendship? I'd never be able to play ball with out it being weird.

"What are you thinking about?" Benny asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"Mh? Oh, nothing just school and stuff," I mumbled, kicking a pebble across the sidewalk.

It's already awkward. I feel the tension. This is all a mistake it must be. We were meant to be friends not, not boyfriend and girlfriend! God why did I think this would be a good idea? This won't ever work, we're too good of friends that's so weird! Making out with your best friend. But I really like him.

My mind was still racing with bipolar thoughts as we eneter the lot. This will clear my mind, back with the boys, back at the sandlot, back playing baseball. This is good.


"Aw man! Blair you so could've caught that!" Ham yelled pulling off his catcher's mask.

"No way! That went way past me!" I argued.

"Alright ladies," Squints said. "Yeah-Yeah you're up!"

I rolled my eyes and jogged back to left center.

"Come on Yeah-Yeah!" Bertram cheered.

"Yeah, yeah I got this guys don't you worry!" He said, adjusting the bat in his hands.

I did my best to avoid Benny during the game at all costs. Responding with hums when I stopped at his base and not looking in his direction for anything. Why did this happen to me.

A/n: HOLY MOLY AN UPDATE! I'm sorry guys I haven't updated this such a long time but I have been jammed packed with school and sports. I've been writing small parts of this whenever I had the time and I just now finished it in creative writing. we're watching some movie so I plugged I'm my earphones and started writing. Not my best chapter but it's something right? School's going great and I went to a 5sos concert on September 2nd and it was sososososo great omg. so proud of those dorks tbh.

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