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The first day is always the worst. You finally have to accept summer is over and you once again are faced with the homework and all the people that you don't even like. That was today. Today was the first day of school, I stood in front of the faded purple doors, alone might I add, Benny left super early for school. Anyways, I braced myself for the start of a brand new school year.

"Blair!" I turned my head.

You know those people who you're only friends with in school? Like, when you're not in school you have no contact but once you're back it's like you never left each other? Well, that was Carman Montgomery.

"Hey, Car!" I smiled as she tackled me in a hug.

"How was your summer?" She flashed a smile.

"Great! How about you? I see you got your braces off."

"Yep!" She laughed, running her tongue over her now perfect teeth.

"So, what about you and Benny?" Carman asked as we walked down the hall.

I shrugged, scanning the walls for locker 347. "What about em'?''

She playfully rolled her brown eyes, "oh come on B. I know you like him, you told me when we ditched first period last year to get gummy worms."

I stopped at the correct locker, being faced with an empty locker is one of my least favorite events of the school year, "well..."

"Well what?! Spit it out!"

I looked at her and smiled. Her eyes widened.

"Oh my God!" She squealed. "You guys kissed didn't you!?"

"Shhh!" I placed a finger on her mouth and looked around.

"Oh B! You had your first kiss! With Benny! He's cute, good for you."

I laughed, tossing a book into the locker. "It's confusing Car, I don't know what's even going on with him."

Carman threw her crazy curly brown hair over her shoulder, "we'll discuss in French class. I heard Mrs. Dubrall is a total snooze anyways."

We snickered at the thought of the 10th grade French teacher. As much as I love hanging out with the boys, it was nice talking about them with Carman.

I spotted Benny walking down the hallway with Luke Winslit. He saw me and waved, I smiled. Causing Carman to turn to see who I was looking at.

She sighed, "oh Blair. You're in deep."

"I know."


"Now, I am passing around your supply list for this class," Mr. Carson sounded.

I glanced at Benny whom was half asleep in his chair. I poked his arm, in hopes to wake him up a bit.

"Why'd you leave so early this morning?" I whispered.

"Oh, the boys wanted to come early so I could show them their classes," he shrugged.

I nodded, I re-rolled the sleeves on my flannel and passed the stack of papers  behind me and read down the list.

• pencil
• paper
• pen
• yourself!

I rolled my eyes, arising a laugh from Benny. "This list is unreal."

I set my head in my hands, "you can say that again."


Lunch was finally upon us and Benny and I were surrounded by the boys, who were terrified.

"Can we even sit here? Isn't it like sophomore territory?' Squints asked, clutching his lunch tray.

"You'll be fine man, youre with us," Benny said patting him on the shoulder.

"Blair!" I turned to find Carman quickly walking to the table we were at.

I smiled, "oh, hey Carman."

Yeah-Yeah's mouth was gaping open, revealing the gap between his 2 teeth.

Carman sat beside me, "hey Benny. Nice to see you again."

Benny smiled and took a sip of his water.

"Oh, uh Car this is Ham, well Hamilton but he goes by Ham, Bertram, Alan, but don't call him that he goes by Yeah-Yeah for obvious reasons, that's Timmy, Kenny, and that's Michael, or Squints," I pointed out each of the boys. "And you know Benny."

Carman smirked, ''oh yes, I know Benny."

I kicked her under the table and Benny raised an eyebrow at me, I gave him the "not now" look.

Benny and I have a history of communicating between facial expressions. It really confuses the rest of the boys.

"I hate when you guys do that," Timmy mumbled.

"So, freshies, how you liking the big leagues?" Carman asked.

"Uh-uh we-I," Yeah-Yeah stumbled on his words. He clearly has a crush on Carman, hopefully this doesn't lead to another Wendy incident.

Carman sat and tried her best to participate in our conversation about baseball, but with Carman being the definition of a "girly girl" she didn't do so well.

"Are you kidding me? When Benny hit the guts out of that ball last summer-" Kenny threw his hands up in the air.

Carman looked completely and utterly bored, "I uh, I'm gonna go find Jenny."

We mumbled our goodbyes and continued on with our baseball talk as we usually did.


"Jeez, Blair how long does it take to put stuff in your locker?" Benny sighed, leaning against the neighboring lockers. School was over and the halls were slowly clearing out.

"Hey, Benny." I glanced over to find Sadie Hawkins wiggling her dainty fingers at Benny.

"Hi, Sadie," Benny smiled, holding up a hand.

I turned back to my locker rolling my eyes, Sadie Hawkins always was a bother to me. It wasn't just because she liked Benny, a lot of girls did and that was far too many for me to hate. She is just downright annoying, I can't stand her.

"Why so bitter Blair?" Benny smirked. "Jealous?"

I scoffed, "jealous of what? Sadie? There's not much to be jealous of."

"Good, there's no need to be."

Before I had a chance to roll my eyes, Benny's lips were on mine and I was frozen for a few short seconds before giving in. I would admit, I definitely did miss kissing Benny. He was a pretty great kisser if I do say so myself.

"Damn Rodriguez! Get some!" We both turned to see Carter Smith and Archer Cambridge passing by.

"Uh, alright ready to go?" I asked shutting my locker.

"Yeah, yeah let's let outta' here."

Benny draped his arm over my shoulder and I think I had a heart palpitation. I could get used to this.

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