fasholy not an update imy guys tho lol

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heyhey to whoever decides to read this!! i came back on here and i just wanted to thank everyone again for all the support youve all given first and second base. i hella young (literally like 13-14ish but whatever) and my writing was complete shittttttt yet people still liked the series and i appreciate that sosososososososo much. and i was rereading  some comments  and they made me laugh lol y'all are funny. i live in california why am i saying y'all. anywayssss i start junior year in 2 fuckin days and i am not ready!! i was gonna take ap lang but switched out hella (can you tell im from the bay yet hahahahah sorry i hate myself) fast because i didnt wanna do the summer reading and i didnt feeling like making junior year harder than it was already going to be lol. i just felt like saying hello and ik nobody will prob read this but if you do plz tell me how youre doing in the comments i wanna know

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