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sometimes I wish I could go back and never grow older past the age of 10. I didn't worry about relationships, all I did was wake up play all day and sleep. I was too excited to grow up and now I want to take a time machine back to that time when I was too egar to grow up. I wish I could go back and tell myself to enjoy being young and careless because it all goes away in the blink of an eye. I'd rather be playing with my Ken doll rather than real boys. I'd rather be doing my doll's hair rather than worrying about my own.

It's been a week and four days since I had second thoughts about Benny. I've blown off baseball six times because I had "too much homework". When really I had too many thoughts to even catch a ball. The boys were pissed. I was pissed.

Today is Saturday, no way could I use the homework excuse any longer. I sighed, nearly falling out of my bed. I faced myself in the mirror nearly causing me to jump back in utter terror. My hair looked like someone rubbed it with a balloon and the bags underneath my eyes were most definitely not designer.

Walking into the kitchen, I attempted to flatten the disaster on my head. 

"Blair," my mom said, appearing at my side.

"Yes, mother?"

"Why haven't you been playing baseball recently?"

I cocked an eyebrow at her question, "homework."

She cocked her eyebrow as well, I can see where I get it from. "Bullshit."

"Mother!" I cried, nearly spilling my orange juice. My mom rarely ever swears.

"You go play ball today if you don't I will ground you. For-ev-er," She scolded

I clenched my jaw before stomping off to my room to brush my hair and put on socially acceptable pants. I tore apart my bedroom for my cap just to find it under my bed.

Pulling on my converse I tied the laces this really neat way Benny showed me.

"Hey, grumpy pants." She tossed my glove at my chest. "Blairanna you know you can tell me anything."

I clutched my glove, "yeah I know."

My mom smiled and turned back to the kitchen. How do all mom's know this kind of stuff?


"Woah! Guys check it out, a rare animal. Only very rarely seen, it's called a Blair." I walked into the lot kicking dust as I heard Squints crack a joke with all the boys crowded around him.

Tommy laughed. "Shush!" Squints held a finger to his lips. "You may scare it away."

I rolled my eyes, "youre funny."

Benny smiled at me, I could only manage to flash him a quick smile. I felt if I looked at him too long the boys would know what was happening. Even though they wouldn't, I'm just paranoid.

"So Blairanna," Ham smirked.

"Watch it Hamilton," I warned. I hate when people use my full name. Especially one of the dickwads.

"Where have you been?" He asked, ignoring my threat.

"Homework." I shrugged.

"Yeah, yeah can we just play already?" Yeah-Yeah winned.

"Take your positions boys! And, girl." Benny winked.

I couldn't help but blush, I mean if Benny winked at you, wouldn't you?

I raced Smalls to first base, winning of course. "This is one thing I did not miss while you were not here."

I laughed and pushed him in the direction of the outfield. I really did miss these guys.

Examining the ends of my hair, Ham yelled my name and chucked the ball in my direction. Before I had anytime to react Benny ran smack into my chest causing us both to fall.

"Benny what the hell?" I groaned looking up at him. Benny's weight was holding me down so the only thing I could do was sit, or lay there and look at his stupidly perfect face.

"Glad to have you back, Mercer," he smirked.

I reached out to my side and grabbed the ball, tapping Benny on the shoulder. "You're out."


"Who died and made you king of stupid? Turkey's can fly," Ham said arguing with Bertram.

We decided to go to the diner for lunch, all of us took over every seat up at the counter and I suddenly felt sorry for Diana, she did have to listen to all of our stupid conversations.

"Squints can turkey's fly?" Bertram asked.

"How should I know?"

"Well, you do have glasses so aren't you supposed to be smart?"

We all laughed because Squints was the exact opposite.

Benny and I sat next to each other which couldn't be anymore awkward.

"Look, Blair. I know you haven't had homework the past week." He said playing with his straw wrapper.

Benny sat on the very end, so luckily nobody would hear what we were about to talk about.

"What are you talking about, Benny?" I lied, I sadly knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Don't do that Blair. I know when you're lying, you twitch your nose. it's pretty adorable."

"I just don't know Benny," I said on the verge of tears. I don't know why I was about to cry, I never cry over stupid things like this. But maybe this time, it's not stupid.

Benny put his hand on my thigh, but not in a sexual 'I'm gonna bang you 100%' way it was in a comforting way

"Blair, what's wrong?"

I shook my head, "not here, not right now."

He moved his hand away and nodded, he genuinely looked worried. What was I supposed to say to him.

A/n: YOO I AM BACK AND SUPER FUCKING TIRED BECAUSE IT'S 3AM. I'm so sorry I haven't updated I have no excuse what so ever I'm just lazy as fuck. this was such a shitty chapter I'm sorry I just wanted to get one out to you guys so you wouldn't start a riot or something.

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