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"That's just gross." I remarked at the green dress Carmen had on.

She looked at herself in the floor length mirror, "really? i kinda like it!"

i rolled my eyes "Car, it's ugly."

Carmen dragged me out to look for homecoming dresses, the dance was unfortunately this Friday and i was not looking forward to it.

Carmen has gone through a total of 17 dresses, i've been counting. we've been sitting in Kaitlin's Dresses for the past 2 hours and i have yet to even look at a dress for myself.

"Blair! look at this!" Carmen shoved a red dress in my face.


"Try it on. please?" she begged.

i bit my lip in hesitation, but how else will i find a dress? i can't go in jeans and a t-shirt. i asked.
The dress was a tighter fit and it was strapless. The skirt stopped about mid thigh brining my unwanted attention to my unshaven legs, it's october okay?

I slid back the curtain of the dressing room to show Carman and she said, "man, i think i like girls now."

I rolled my eyes, "uh, it's a little. well um, tight."

"That's the point!" Carman stood up in exasperation. "Blair, you look like hot, like super hot, like Benny is gonna get very, very very excited when he sees you. and so will his little friend."

"Carmen! That's so... agh!" i cried.

She shrugged, "you're buying it. Go change back into, your uh clothes if you can even call them that then we're buying."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "what about you?"

"I'm buying the green one!" She chirped.

"Gross." i mumbled stepping back into my dressing room. now how to get this off...

All anyone was talking about this week was homecoming. You turn the corner and you're bound to hear the word. it's awful, truly awful. I do not want to be reminded of the damn dance that's happening in 2 short days. Im on the verge of homeschooling myself. Benny on the other hand seemed to actually be excited. so did the other boys, they'd yell about it from across the field about their date (or lack of) and what tie their mom bought for them. it sucked!

"Blair!" i recognized that voice anywhere. it was Benny. I couldn't help but smile into my locker before turning to face him.

He was grinning like a complete idiot, his baseball cap was on backwards and his flannel was almost hanging off one shoulder. Which I so kindly readjusted might i add.

"What are you smiling about?" i asked.

"What? a guy can't be happy to see his girlfriend?" Benny questioned.

I cocked an eyebrow at him, "my bad. you just seem, i dunno like you wanted to uh tell me something?"

He shook his head, "you talk way too much, Mercer."

His kiss caught me off guard, but i didn't question it. considering it was 15 minutes after school got out i didn't try to stop it either, who was here to see?

Well, i was wrong. Very wrong actually.

"Blair? Benny?" A small voice said.

"Not now Smalls," Benny mumbled in between a kiss.

"Smalls!?" We both said in unison.

"I uh, uh thought i could find you guys here. I didn't see either of you at home and wanted to play some ball."

"Well Smalls, i was playing a game myself here and i was just about to get to 3rd base but then-" I hit Benny in the chest and said, "don't say that!"

"i won't tell anyone!" Smalls said abruptly. "Im super sorry guys, i didn't know! But I-I saw nothing! i'll see you later!" Smalls didn't even finish his sentence before he sprinted down the hallway.

Benny and I looked at each other, "we're screwed aren't we?" he said.

I shrugged, "nah, Smalls won't tell anyone. He's too scared."

Benny nodded, "yeah, yeah you're right. so uh about what we were doing before Smalls showed up..."

I shook my head, "we're leaving."

A/n: heeeeeyyyy!! sorry i haven't updated at all ! i suck! and sorry for the short ass chapter i just wanted to get something out. hope you like it and im sorry !!!

2nd Base|| The Sandlot Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ