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"And she's running! 1st! oh there goes 2nd! 3rd! aaaaannnnddd HOOOMEEE! the Blair Mercer makes it all the way home!" Bertum shouted across the field.

I laughed as i picked up my bat from the spot where it had landed.

"Nice hit, Mercer." Benny winked before stepping up to bat.

This entire game Smalls has stayed in the very corner of the outfield avoiding eye contact with benny or i. Obviously he was a little shocked from yesterday's happenings.

"Yeah yeah!! Look at that one fly." said Yeah-Yeah, watching the ball Benny hit soar over the Sandlot.

A typical Friday night for a high school girl would be going to the football game at school then out to the late night diner with her friends. A typical Friday for me is playing ball until 9 at night. tonight happened to be the homecoming game, which nobody wanted to go to. Tomorrow was the dance and part of me is actually kind of excited. minus the hiding that Benny is my date part.

Hours passed and everyone slowly started to get more and more tired. One by one everyone started to head home which almost always left Benny and I at the Sandlot.

"Well." Said Benny picking up a ball. "Are you excited for tomorrow?"

I smiled, "yeah actually. i'm not totally dreading it."

"Me too." Benny smiled. "But honestly Blair, hiding this whole thing from everyone is getting so hard. Especially now because Smalls knows! How are we supposed to explain that to him?"

"Yeah Ben I wish I had the answer to all of those questions." I kicked a rock sending it down the cracked sidewalk.

"I mean, he didn't even look at either of us the entire game!" Benny sighed.

I really don't know how 1. Benny and I will manage trying to hide being each other's date at the dance tomorrow and 2. Confronting Smalls about what he saw. All of this is just one big oof to say the least.

Benny and I walked aimlessly home, talking about everything other than Smalls to try and get our mind off of the topic.

"I'll see you tomorrow? Do you want me to come and get you at like 5:30?" Benny asked as we stopped in between our houses.

"Um, yeah 5:30 is good." I replied.

Benny looked over my shoulder at Small's house, "screw it, he already knows." And he bent down to kiss my goodbye, well it was a little more than a straight forward kiss but I can assume you get the picture.

Benny and I both turned to go inside our houses, wishing it wasn't 9:00 at night so I could go talk to Smalls and clear this whole mess up. I know at one point the boys will have to find out but that thought scares the shit out of me and I don't wanna think about that literally ever again.

I think the worst idea i've ever had was go to this dance. I am freaking out, I am sweating like it's the middle of July and I got about four hours of sleep last night. Why and I so nervous? I sure wish I could tell you. I keep eyeing my dress that's hanging in my closet and I seriously don't even know if I can stomach breakfast at this point. Actually, it's Saturday. Mom is cooking so my body can make an exception for bacon.  

"Blair stop shaking your leg it's bothering me." My dad said sipping his coffee while reading the newspaper.

"Why are you so anxious Blair? You're never like this." My mom said placing and stack of pancakes on the table before taking a seat.

I shrugged, taking a sip of my orange juice. "I dunno, the dance is just kinda stressing me out I guess."

My mom's eyes instantly lit up, "oh the dance! The dance is tonight! Gordon did you hear that? My goodness I nearly forgot about that! Do you want me to curl your hair? Maybe we could put on some mascara! Shoot I need to call Mrs. Rodriguez to plan out photos!"

"Uh Mom, absolutely none of that is needed. Especially the photos part." I assured.

"Blairanna let your mother take her photos and put on your eyebrows or whatever." My dad said flipping around the paper.

"Gosh Blair you need to remind me of these things earlier! Wait! Why are you nervous is everything okay?" She asked.

I nodded, "everything is fine mom, i've just never been to one of these before I guess I just don't know what to expect."

"Oh sweetie it's going to be so fun! Don't get all twisted about okay?"

If only she know how "twisted about" I already am.

It's 4:00pm. Two hours until the dance,  an hour and a half until Benny comes over and I'm still in my pajamas. I can already tell this is gonna go great. I've been pacing my room for a solid twenty minutes debating on if I should even go or not. Of course I'm gonna go, I couldn't let Benny down like that! He's actually excited about this.

Benny's POV

Crapcrapcrapcrap! I can't do this! What the hell was I thinking? Asking Blair to a dance. I've never even been to a dance! How are we supposed to keep our relationship a secret for any longer? Maybe I just won't go! All of the sudden I have the stomach flu! No I know how excited Blair is. I couldn't let her down like that.

Blair's POV

"Damnit Blair hold still!" My mom said zipping up my dress.

"I'm itchy! It's like this thing is made out of dog hair or something Jeez." I said wiggling around.

"For Christs sake Blairanna. You really think you'll get away with that?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Get away with what I didn't even do anything!" I defended.

She shook her head, "follow me."

I knew what this women was trying to do the moment we stepped into her bathroom.

"No." I said.

"You look like you have no eyelashes Blair you need mascara!"

"No! It's gonna hurt!"

"I am your mother and you're going to listen to what I say or you're grounded for a month."

I rolled my eyes, "fine."

My mother aggressively applying mascara was the worst 30 seconds of my entire life.

"What time is Benny coming?" She asked looking at her watch.

"5:30." Just as I spoke the doorbell rang.

"That must be him!" My mom smiled.


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