Princess Cassie Cas

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Hey guys this is H0mestuckDbzL0ver starting 0ff this b00k with my friend MusicalPugtato. There's n0t really much else t0 say, but enjoy!


Dean made a mistake. A very big mistake. It was supposed to be a regular plain movie night in the middle of winter. They were trying to give Cas a glance at what an average human childhood was like, so they forced themselves through about twenty Disney movies. The constant singing made Dean want to shoot his ears, but it was worth it to see Cas so happy. Until they reached Frozen.

Chuck why.

It wasn't the cliché romance Anna felt at the beginning with Hans. It wasn't the fact that it was so sickeningly sweet. It wasn't even the fact that there were so many holes that it could make an entire void in the movie.

It was the fact that Cas was so into it, he immediately memorized the songs word. For. Word. Honestly it was worth it since Cas cuddled up to Dean the whole time, but little did Dean know he'd regret not shooting his ears in the morning.


"Dean?" Cas asked the next morning, knocking on the door.

"Oh my- Cas no!"

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"


"C'mon let's go and play! I never see you anymore, come out the door it's like you've gone away!"

"You saw me last night Cas."

"We used be best buddies, and now we're not. I wish you would tell me why!"

"We're still friends Cas, stop."

"Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman."

"Cas, go away!"

Cas frowned, "okay bye."

~~~~~55 minutes later~~~~~

Sam was walking past Dean's room when suddenly his door burst open. Sam was dragged in and thrown on the floor. "Dean, what the hell?"

Dean shushed him and closed the door, blocking it with his body. "Cas is taking this too far!" Dean said quietly.

"Taking what to far? Dean, what's going on?"

"The Disney thing! He started singing 'Do you wanna build a snowman' outside my door this morning, and something's telling me he's not done yet!"

"Then why don't you just make him stop?"

Dean's face flushed a bit, "I think it's better if we just let this get out of his system."

"Uh-huh, and your sure it's not that you might find it cute that he's acting like a little kid obsessed with Frozen?"

Dean's face turned scarlet, "no! He wouldn't stop if I told him to anyway. He should be back any second now to sing the second verse of the song. Just play along."

Sam just smirked and nodded.

"Dean?" Cas knocked again, "do you wanna build a snowman? Or ride our bike around the halls?"

"You can't even ride a bike, Cas."

"I think some company is overdue. I've started talking to, the pictures on the walls! Hang in there Joan."

"Who's Joan?"

"It gets a little lonely. All these empty rooms."

"Cas they're not that empty."

"Just watching the hours tick by!" Sam and Dean could hear as Cas made a clicking sound with his mouth.

~~~~~40 minutes later~~~~~

"Dean, we've been in here for almost two hours, how much longer is this gonna go on?"

"One more verse to go Sammy."

"Can't you just kiss to shut him up?"

Dean flushed red again and threw a pillow at Sam, "shut up!"

Sam just laughed. "You know, everybody knows right? We can all see it. You need to stop denying how you feel before it kills you both."

"No chick flick moments."

"You don't have to make it a chick flick moment. Just do something fun with him then tell him you love him."

Dean hesitated, "you have any ideas?"

"Actually I have a few," Sam smiled.


Cas pretended to knock sadly on the door, "Dean? I know you're in there. People have been asking where you've been. They say have courage, and I'm trying to. I'm right out here for you, just let me in."

The blue eyed beauty sat at the foot of the door, "we only have each other. It's just you and me. What are we gonna do? Do you wanna build a snowman?"

Dean once again hesitated to open the door, but a little brotherly 'push' made him open the door and smile at the adorable little fucker beneath him. "Let's go build that snowman."

Cas' eyes glistened with joy as he dragged Dean outside with Sam following. They built three snowmen and decorated them to look like themselves. This was Dean's chance.

Dean took the stick arm of snowman-Dean and made it seem as though it were holding the hand of snowman-Cas. Dean blushed as the real Cas giggled and locked their fingers together. They turned to stare at each other and they pressed themselves against each other. Dean was about to say something when the sound of a camera went off.


As Sam ran off laughing, Cas pecked Dean on the lips and said, "do you wanna have a snowball fight?"

Dean smiled, "you read my mind."


S0 that was the first 0ne sh0t. H0pe it was fluffy en0ugh f0r y0u guys!

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