i cant d0 titles

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MusicalPugtato here. I am fina11y writing 0ne yay. But d0nt expect it t0 be any g0od th0ugh i am a sucky writer XP. A1s0 side n0te i write my Os as zer0s and my Ls as 0nes.

"SAAAAMM!!" Gabrie1 whined whi1e 1ying 0n the carpeted f100r.

Sam 100ked up fr0m his 1apt0p and 100ked at the archange1 wh0 was current1y spraw1ed 0ut 0n the dirty h0te1 f100r. "What do you need you needy ange1?"

"Im bored." Gabe rep1ied with a dramatic sigh

Sam sighed and turned back t0 his 1apt0p. "And im busy. Go bug Dean or something."

"But Dean's boring." Gabe reached int0 his p0cket and pu11ed 0ut a sma11 hard candy. "And frankly I dont think he likes me." He said putting the candy in his m0uth.

"Oh well i wonder why." Sam said, annoyance c0ating his v0ice.

Gabe st00d up and wa1ked t0 the tab1e ,where Sam was researching f0r the case, and sat opposite 0f Sam. "I have n0 idea i am a very 1ikab1e pers0n."

Sam bitch-faced him. "What, I am." Gabe rep1ied with a chuck1e.

A few minutes 0f quiet passed and Gabe was sti11 extreme1y b0red 1ike a1ways.

Then an idea p0pped int0 Gabes head, he grabbed an 01d candy wrapper that was sitting 0n the tab1e and threw it a Sam fr0m acr0ss the tab1e.

Sam st0pped typing f0r a sec0nd, but quick1y started again. Gabe pursed his 1ips and g0t an0ther wrapper and t0ssed it, hitting Sam in the f0rehead. He g0t the same reacti0n, absolutely nothing.

Gabe did this a few m0re times but Sam never did anything. Gabe g0t 0ut 0f the w00den chair he was sitting in and wa1ked behind Sam, he put his e1b0ws 0n each 0f Sam's jacketed sh0u1ders.

"So Sammoose, whatca doing?" Gabe asked, with a mischievious grin. N0 rep1y.

Gabe fr0wned and started p0king Sam's face. "SENPAIIII WHY WONT YOU NOTICE ME!!!" He ye11ed in the m0st ann0ying v0ice.

"F0R GODS SAKE GABE, WHAT!?!?" Sam sh0uted thr0wing his hands in the air.

Gabe smi1ed, fee1ing accomplished with himself. "Im b0red."

Sam sighed. " what will it take for you to shut the hell up?"

"Hmm." Gabe th0ught f0r a sec0nd. "A RIDE ON YOUR SHOULDERS!" He exc1amed 1ike a 2 year 01d.

Sam put his head 0n tab1e and sighed. "Fine."

"YAY!!" Gabe c1apped 1ike an excited chi1d. "Now sit one the ground your too tall."

Sam r011ed his eyes but 0b1iged. He g0t 0ut 0f the creaky chair he was in and sat 0n the gr0und. Gabe quick1y put his 1egs 0ver the ta11er man's sh0u1ders and grabbed his f0rehead s0 he w0u1d fa11.

"ONWARD AOSHIMA!" (Any0ne get that reference?!?) Gabe ye11ed, thr0wing a fist int0 the air.

"Im going Im going geez." Sam st00d up, strugg1ing t0 find balance at first.

"Take me outside peasant!" Gabe said p0inting at the h0te1 d00r.

"No Gabe Im not going outside." Sam said ann0yed.

"Yes y0u are!" Gabe grabbed tw0 handfu1 0f Sam's hair and pu11ed. "YEEEEHAAAWW"


"GO MY MOOSE, OUTSIDE!" Gabe still had a hold of his hair and pu11ed it again making Sam start wa1king.

Sam wa1ked 0ut the d00r and int0 the parking 10t. "You're an ass you know that right?"

"Yes but you love me." Gabe kissed his f0rehead.

"Oh bite me Gabe." Sam said r011ing his eyes.

"Maybe later babe." Gabe said with a smirk, while Sam choked on air.

See i t01d y0u this w0u1d suck.


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